Excellent Jazz! Is the T doing great because of the aids? Does it stay great when you take them off? What is your hearing loss Jazz?
Those Xtino's you have are the ones that my very knowledgeable Hearing Specialist recommends. I wish I had the money to try them!!
Hi Louise,
I wish you could try the Xino's too. But when you get back to work...it could be an option! I don't believe you're working right now, am I correct? What is your profession? Perhaps, as you're recovering, you could "dip you toe" into something that would not be stressful, like a volunteer job. That could lead to bigger, better things in a few months. I know you'll be better soon

I had to cancel my appointment with the audiologist because of snow. I'm scheduled for next Monday. I can't believe how winter just won't let go.........
Regarding your post, my T is lower, and I believe it's because of the hearing aids. But it is NOT gone, which is my hope. But it's still soon. That said, I now wake up with NO tinnitus, which is new, but it does come within an hour after waking. The T does not increase when I take out the aids, which is nice as I was afraid it would.
Tonight, however, the tinnitus does seem louder. I can hear it over the hearing aids. In part, this is an evening thing with me; but I also had to take several ibuprofen after working out in the gym. I know I shouldn't take any NSAIDs, but when you're sore they the only things that work. But I only took two so I'm sure the noise will go back down. But it's discouraging to know I really can never take ibuprofen again on a regular basis. I used to take them for many reasons, though I never abused them.
I just read on another thread that your tinnitus is getting louder (it's now in your right ear, if I remember), but your attitude is improved because of your medications. That's really important. Anxiety always magnifies these things. Are you planning seeing someone for the increased noise?
One last thing, my hearing loss is in the 4000-6000 hz. It's a minor hearing loss since my hearing threshold is 30db from 4-6000 hz. But anything over 20db is considered a loss. I also have a hearing loss over 8000. I'd have to find my audiogram. I will get back after I see my audiologist next week. That loss is more than 30 db. What is your hearing loss? Is it above 8K? I'm not sure the hearing aids work above 8K because that's beyond speech. If, however, you also have a hearing loss--even if its minor--below 8 K then these hearing aids can help.
Just a thought: Maybe your hearing specialist will let you try white noise generators, like the ones they use in TRT. If she can match your sounds with the white noise, wearing these noise generators might further get your mind off the tinnitus. I know the Starkey's white noise helps me. Even when I hear my T, it is less prominent because of the white noise. As such, I have an easier time tuning it out. I could never tune it out by just playing nature sounds. (Well, the cricket sounds are great for me, but they aren't conducive to concentration.) No matter what you use--whether through in-ear noise generators or hearing aids with white noise--you'll benefit from being able to mask your tinnitus. As the white noise reduces the tinnitus' prominence, your mind is able to tune it out so you can work!
BTW, TRT generators might be covered by your health program
