Thanks for asking.
Still not sure on the hearing aids. I can still hear my tinnius even with them in. If I turn the hearing volume up to full max, it does make the sound somewhat less noticeable (still there though) but everything else is too loud for me to leave the volume there.
Right now, the aids are not set to my full hearing loss as the audiologist said hearing aids take some getting used to. She likes to take her time in adjusting them so people don't find it too overwhelming all at once.
Not sure if it will make a difference but still hoping
They are "Widex Moment" with the Zen program.
Apparently, if you believe the hype, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and can do all kinds of wonderful things (except laundry and pour me a drink).

(had to throw in some humor so I could use the beer buddies.....)
Okay, back to seriousness... I have found at times, that the chimes sound of the Zen program can somewhat distract me from the tinnitus noise (not for very long though) if my tinnitus is very quiet. Today, I found the sound irritating because my ear was screaming.
I have a ninety day trial on the aids so will have to see what happens. My audiologist said if hearing loss is not corrected, the rest of one's hearing will decline faster. So, if that's true, I may have to resign myself to hearing aids even if they do nothing for the tinnitus.
Do you have tinnitus just in the left ear? Does it fluctuate?
I thought it was getting better. I had a few good days in a row when the frequency noise and the volume went down.
I thought if it could stay like this I could get used to it but then WHAM, blaring tinnitus happens once again.