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Hearing Protection and Tinnitus: Keep The Tiny Hair Cells Safe — Discuss!


I am looking for noise protection earplugs that look like MP3 earphones. I have classic earplugs but I want a pair with cords so that I can remove/put them quickly and easily when I'm wandering outside. And I find that the classic protection plugs with cords look strange.

Does that exist and does anybody have a model/brand to recommand?

I would highly recommend Sure SE215 EIM`s. These are earbuds with noise isolation. Works very well, wear them on subway all the time. You dont have to listen to music, but they cancel out external noises so good - i can listen on 10% of volume.

Now, if you want protection that will keep you safe in noisy places/events (concert, club, bar/pub, cinema) you have a lot of options.

Option 1 (Cheap): best and max protection are foam earplugs (you can order anywhere). You can reuse them like 3 or 5 times and they hold fine. you can get 200 pairs for like $20
Option 2 (moderate price): High Fidelity Musician earplugs (https://www.amazon.com/LiveMus-Hear...&sr=8-9&keywords=high+fidelity+ear+plugs&th=1) They have cord and different set of filers that reduce noise.
Option 3 (expensive): custom molder earplugs (acscustom.com) will be an example but you can go anywhere else. Good thing about custom made is they are most discrete and last most (like 5 years or so), have variety of different filters and fit is best. Also occlusion effect in custom molded earplugs pretty much does not exist, where in otpions 1/2 it will be problem and you can harm your hearing if you will scream during usage of these options.

I have ordered set of custom molded (for cinema/pub/restaurant) + use Sure SE215`s on the train and always have pair of foam earplugs everywhere + on my key chain.

Hope that helps!
Hey, has anyone got any recommendations on the best ear plugs? Ones that reduce a good amount of sound. That really do protect your ears. Not sure if mine are blocking enough sound??

For my hypercausis, and tinnitus which i do not want getting any louder.
@Roseanna H can I ask what are you going to use the earplugs for? Wearing them all the time or just at places like clubs or concerts?

Hi Michael, thanks for the reply.

No not for clubs or concerts or anything that loud. I just wouldn't put my ears through those loud sounds, i wouldn't risk any more damage happening. I usually wear mine when i go out to, well most places. Even when i walk my dog actually, in case of noises like bikes or sirens. I wear them at work too, because i work in a kitchen, and theres lots of cutlery banging around. I don't wear them in the house though, unless i'm doing something in thr kitchen while the washer machine is on.
But at work i'm not sure if the ear plugs are protecting them enough, so i thought i'd ask the forum about ear plugs :)

What kind of places do you go unprotected Michael?Birthdays,malls and places like that?

That is a good question Bill and hope that you don't mind if this post becomes long.

As I have said on the hyperacusis thread. Many yeas ago I had very severe hyperacusis that was so bad at times conversation with people made my ears hurt. Fortunately, it was cured using white noise generators as part of TRT treatment that lasted two years.

This summer I went onto the Brighton Pier and into the arcade. The place was a hive of activity with many people using the slot machines. Music was playing and this was mixed with loud laughter, so everyone seemed to be having a good time. I had my semi professional sound level meter and also a sound App on my mobile phone. Just in case things got too uncomfortable I had my noise reducing earplugs with me that reduce sound levels by 18 decibels. This was a test and not something I normally do or recommend anyone else to try.

The sound level in that place remained constant at just over 100 decibels. My ears didn't feel uncomfortable and I felt no pain. I stayed at the venue for 30 minutes and then left. The next morning my tinnitus was silent and I experienced no symptoms of hyperacusis. As I have previously said my tinnitus is variable. From complete silence, mild, moderate or severe. It rarely reaches the very severe levels I frequently used to have about a year ago.

I do not believe that it is a good idea for someone with tinnitus or hyperacusis (or both) to wear earplugs or noise-reducing earplugs with filters too often, because it's possible for the auditory system to become hypersensitive. In some cases it could make matters worse and cause a condition called phonophobia. This is literally having a fear of sound. I used to counsel someone that had phonophobia like symptoms although she wasn't diagnosed. This person had hypercausis that gradually got worse and at every opportunity she kept away from sound. This got so bad going out the front door because of the noise was a problem. Her ears couldn't tolerate the sound of the microwave, dishwasher or the washing machine. She even complained of the sound of rain falling on her conservatory roof that was made of glass. Fortunately she has improved.

If I am going to venues where I believe sound levels could become loud, then I have my earplugs with me. Night clubs, parties etc. I would always use them at the cinema although I haven't been to one in years. Reading some of the posts on this forum people say those places can be very loud.

When I use my petrol lawn mower or electric power tools for those DIY jobs around the home, I always use my ear defenders.

But at work i'm not sure if the ear plugs are protecting them enough, so i thought i'd ask the forum about ear plugs :)
@Roseanna H

Hi Roseanna,
Please read my post above in answer to Bill. It is a good idea for you to wear earplugs at the place that you work. However, please be careful of using earplugs too often, as you can make your ears (auditory system) hypersensitive. Like me your tinnitus was caused by earphones (headphones) You need treatment to cure your hyperacusis and it is possible. If you can't get TRT which includes wearing white noise generators, then start using "sound enrichment" at night using a sound machine. I have written posts about this. Click on my Avatar and choose "started threads" all my posts are listed there and might be of help. I will paste one of them below this to get you started.

Use noise reducing earplugs that have a filter. They will reduce external sound but wont block off all sound like Foam earplugs. If you use foam earplugs often, you risk making your ears hypersensitive.
Please click on the link below to see an example of noise reducing earplugs that have filters.
@Roseanna H @bill 112


Two questions often asked about tinnitus are: How long does it take to habituate? How do I know if I have hyperacusis?

One of the main causes of tinnitus is exposure to loud noise. Quite often though hyperacusis, (sensitivity to sounds) accompanies the condition. This is because the nerves in the auditory pathway have been subjected to noise trauma and thus become highly sensitised. Hyperacusis can be extremely painful. It can cause tinnitus to spike sometimes making it last for days until it settles down again. Within this time the person affected can be in a lot of discomfort.

Music that was once pleasurable to listen to through a home music system or radio is now an ordeal so one prefers not to listen to it. The closing of doors, washing up of kitchen plates and cutlery is enough to send a person running for cover, as it can feel like a pneumatic drill is piercing through your ears and head. It can become such a problem a person is afraid to venture outside their home in fear of road traffic noise sparking an increase in their tinnitus due to their sensitivity to sound.

One of the best ways to treat hyperacusis is by using "sound enrichment". This can be achieved in many ways but I one of the best to wear white noise generators. Two should be worn to keep your auditory system in balance. The sound level of these devices must be adjusted correctly so as not to cause further irritation to a person's auditory system, which can make the hyperacusis and tinnitus worse. It is best to always make sure their sound levels are set just below the tinnitus. Wngs are usually worn for up to ten hours a day. Two things are achieved over time.

The hearing system is constantly subjected to low-level non-intrusive white noise, which will help to desensitise it. Secondly, they help the brain to focus less on the tinnitus and push it further into the background making it less noticeable. This form of treatment is also known as TRT.

An alternative to wngs is to use a tabletop sound machine that plays nature sounds. This can be used for sound enrichment to help the healing process of hyperacusis. Again it is best to set the sound level just below the tinnitus. As previously explained sound machines can be very useful at night by the bedside and in the day used to fill in the background ambiance in room.

Treating hyperacusis takes time as there is no quick fix and everyone will respond to treatment differently.
Please bare in mind that a person with tinnitus and hyperacuisis, if the hyperacusis is left untreated sensitivity to sound will always remain a problem. In some cases hyperacusis can get better naturally without using sound enrichment but there is no guarantee.

A word of caution. Some people use earplugs to help suppress external sounds because of their sensitivity to sound. Earplugs are available but should only be used when in noisy surroundings and not to suppress normal every day sounds, as doing so can prevent the healing process of hyperacusis.

Habituating to Tinnitus.

Habituating to tinnitus often seems shrouded in mystery for the more seriously affected people that are in distress and have had to seek help at ENT. It can be particularly difficult for people that are new to tinnitus to comprehend. How does one know when they have habituated to their T and more importantly what does this actually mean?

The following doesn't apply in every case of tinnitus for there are some people that have large fluctuations in their T and every day can be a different experience. This is one of the most severe forms of tinnitus and medications may be required to help cope with the condition. Habituating to this type of tinnitus is still possible to an extent but does present additional problems.

To others I will say this: You'll know when you have habituated to your T regardless of whatever treatment you are using via ENT etc as your brain will over time push it further into the background so it becomes less significant, in a similar way to the people that have mild tinnitus. Although your T may be present and on occasions it will spike, over time it will cease to be so much of a problem unless you deliberately focus on it and bring it to the forefront of your mind.

@Roseanna H

Hi Roseanna,
Please read my post above in answer to Bill. It is a good idea for you to wear earplugs at the place that you work. However, please be careful of using earplugs too often, as you can make your ears (auditory system) hypersensitive. Like me your tinnitus was caused by earphones (headphones) You need treatment to cure your hyperacusis and it is possible. If you can't get TRT which includes wearing white noise generators, then start using "sound enrichment" at night using a sound machine. I have written posts about this. Click on my Avatar and choose "started threads" all my posts are listed there and might be of help. I will paste one of them below this to get you started.

Use noise reducing earplugs that have a filter. They will reduce external sound but wont block off all sound like Foam earplugs. If you use foam earplugs often, you risk making your ears hypersensitive.
Please click on the link below to see an example of noise reducing earplugs that have filters.

Hi Michael,

I have heard people mention that they (ear plugs) don't always help with hypercausis, and that it can kinda work against it although your only trying to use them to help you?? Thing is i just get so worried that the tinnitus could get worse, or more damage could be done. So i feel i need to be protecting them as much as I can. I think 'because I have this, tinnitus, then my ears are already weak and probably couldn't stand much more noise before getting damaged more'. Yes, i use these foam type ones, that expand in your ears. I guess they do block alot of noise to be honest. After i take them out after 4 hours, sounds sound very...clear and big if that makes sense. Yeh, when i am in the quiet (and when i go to sleep at night) I always play some sort of white noise (rain/ocean waves) quietly to help mask my tinnitus. Thanks for the help!
Hi Michael, thanks for the reply.

No not for clubs or concerts or anything that loud. I just wouldn't put my ears through those loud sounds, i wouldn't risk any more damage happening. I usually wear mine when i go out to, well most places. Even when i walk my dog actually, in case of noises like bikes or sirens. I wear them at work too, because i work in a kitchen, and theres lots of cutlery banging around. I don't wear them in the house though, unless i'm doing something in thr kitchen while the washer machine is on.
But at work i'm not sure if the ear plugs are protecting them enough, so i thought i'd ask the forum about ear plugs :)


Hi Roseanna,

I find you're doing very well with protections! You're giving a chance to your ears to have some rest and natural healing. Because you have hyperacusis, it's important to protect from sudden noise or lound sounds. Don't expose your ears to sounds you know they hurt them. Massage around the ears with olive oil for example help a bit and can subside the soreness. Take care of your ears.
@Roseanna H

Hi Roseanna,
Please read my post above in answer to Bill. It is a good idea for you to wear earplugs at the place that you work. However, please be careful of using earplugs too often, as you can make your ears (auditory system) hypersensitive. Like me your tinnitus was caused by earphones (headphones) You need treatment to cure your hyperacusis and it is possible. If you can't get TRT which includes wearing white noise generators, then start using "sound enrichment" at night using a sound machine. I have written posts about this. Click on my Avatar and choose "started threads" all my posts are listed there and might be of help. I will paste one of them below this to get you started.

Use noise reducing earplugs that have a filter. They will reduce external sound but wont block off all sound like Foam earplugs. If you use foam earplugs often, you risk making your ears hypersensitive.
Please click on the link below to see an example of noise reducing earplugs that have filters.

I've looked at the link for those noise reducing ear plugs. Although they are from america. I've found some others though, that have this filter as you mentioned.
Just wondering what your thoughts are on these type of ones???
I've looked at the link for those noise reducing ear plugs. Although they are from america. I've found some others though, that have this filter as you mentioned.
Just wondering what your thoughts are on these type of ones???

Hi Roseanna,

The link I gave you showing the ebay in the US was just an example. If you live in the UK as I do, then you can buy them from the British Tinnitus Association for around £11 I believe. I bought mind from the BTA some years ago and they are very good. The reduce sound by 18decibes. The earplugs on Amazon also look good.
Hey there,

Just wondering if anyone could share with me any links for the best ear plugs, for good noise reduction and ones with filters???

I found this one, https://uk.earpeace.com/collections/high-fidelity-hearing-protection/products/ear-plugs
which looks like my best option so far.

Roseanna -x-

u from UK i believe ? Get foam 33DB NNR for very loud events + they are cheap so you can drop a pair in every bag/clothing so you always have pair on you.

otherwise ACS Custom \ Westone are the way to go with custom molded.
New ear plugs : selling point is that they are almost invisible :


They seems perfect for loud bar, but not enough for clubs, or maybe only not very loud clubs.

Thank you @VRZ78 and @Christian78
I am not completely satisfied with the 3 pairs of earplugs I have (including one moulded) and I think this is exactly what I'm looking for. I ordered a pair and will give it a try :D
If you're looking for good confort and decent protection my favorite is the EarPeace HD.
But like the EarDial it will only work for not that loud concerts like 90-95 db
I am looking for cheap yet relatively good quality earplugs. I do not need any of those highly reusable ones. I just a pair I could use 2-3 times in case I will go to a place with loud music in the following month.

Thank you.
The most important thing is to properly wear them. Most people don't wear them correctly and if not worn correct they offer very little protection.

Mine are from Boots Chemist and clear rubber with vents in as are noise reduction plugs.
Reusable and only a few pound and ok on a plane too ! ...lots of love glynis
Get premolds.
Really. You won't mind having them in, you can pick a filter from situation to situation. And your sound is not ruined.
OK i thought this might be useful, since information on hearing protection products is scarce throughout the forum. Not sure if a similar thread exists as a reference on the subject. Ask information about a specific product that you might be interested. Maybe other members already use it. Let everyone know if you use any special products apart from the generic foam plugs and for which occasion (eg. traffic, airplanes, swimming, driving etc). What product would you recommend or not recommend from experience? Provide if possible links, pros and cons. That way we may find something interesting from somebody else that we want to try and suits us.

Personally i use the silicon plugs which gradually get really messy. So i'm in search for something else.
I also use these muffs:
They seem quite efficient but they are a bit bulky.

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