I'm new here and reasonably new to tinnitus. I initially developed a buzzing in my left ear, which was annoying but tolerable. 4 weeks ago it moved to my right ear and it's an entirely different noise - a low hum, which is a cross between a fridge or a plane flying overhead and extended Morse code.
I have also experienced episodes of vertigo.
At my first visit to the GP, he took one look at my history and dismissed as anxiety. Second visit he said 'you probably having something minor wrong with the labyrinth, but because you don't have hearing loss, I wouldn't recommend that any further action is necessary'
This morning, I have been for a hearing test at Boots - mostly to rule out any issues and have been told that I have a 10-15 decibel loss in the ear that has the strange tinnitus, which is worse, I think, at 2k Hz.
My question is, could this be the cause of all my problems? And if so, what if any action is required?
The audiologist I saw didn't offer any diagnosis, just suggested I go back to the doctor.
I'm new here and reasonably new to tinnitus. I initially developed a buzzing in my left ear, which was annoying but tolerable. 4 weeks ago it moved to my right ear and it's an entirely different noise - a low hum, which is a cross between a fridge or a plane flying overhead and extended Morse code.
I have also experienced episodes of vertigo.
At my first visit to the GP, he took one look at my history and dismissed as anxiety. Second visit he said 'you probably having something minor wrong with the labyrinth, but because you don't have hearing loss, I wouldn't recommend that any further action is necessary'
This morning, I have been for a hearing test at Boots - mostly to rule out any issues and have been told that I have a 10-15 decibel loss in the ear that has the strange tinnitus, which is worse, I think, at 2k Hz.
My question is, could this be the cause of all my problems? And if so, what if any action is required?
The audiologist I saw didn't offer any diagnosis, just suggested I go back to the doctor.
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