Hello and Stuff

Daniel T.

Jul 5, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Most likely ear phones at high volume, and fireworks.
I was "cough" blessed with Tinnitus for days before my 44thth birthday July 2016, apparently from noise exposure, in the left ear.

I found some comfort by watching Jillian Cowen Hill's youtube videos, he's the only one from which, I found true hope, and it was calming just watching. Finally, I watched the Rewiring Tinnitus youtube video by a guy name Glenn. The videos are free, with a little more info in his book. But anyway, it's basically setting a timer and meditating on the sound as a way to show the brain that it's not a threat, therefore it lowers it as a priority. This, has taken away the adrenaline panic that us T people get to endure.

I also highly endorse youtube Gray and Andrian Dickerson, I think that's right.

The main places I notice the T now are small quiet rooms, or at my computer for some reason, but even then I'm able to use it for longer periods of time without noticing it. The rest of the time, I go hours without hearing it at all, or it has no real effect on me. Also, I take gabapentin 300mg 2 times a day, it helped with the d.. crickets, that was before Christmas 2016.

I hope that this will provide enough comfort for a lot of people to get on with their lives and maybe even find an actual cure. For now, I have personally found a virtual one. I'd like to get rid of it period, but, O well, I'm just happy I can have some sanity again.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your insights. Yes, before the actual cure is here, we have to find whatever works for our own situation instead of waiting for some pharma firm out there. The power to heal ourselves if often found from within us. We may not eliminate T completely but we can learn the ways to diminish T's adverse influence on our lives. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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