Hello! I'm new here, my name is Jen. I'm a 41 year old stay at home mom with 3 little (loud) kiddos! A month ago, Thurs I was exposed to an extremely loud gunshot in an enclosed space. ever since then I have had tinnitus and mild hyperacusis.
I have taken the obvious supplements... It has faded quite a bit in the last week or so. Now the sound is fluctuating and the loudest that it is now is the quietest that it used to be. It started off as a high pitched awful sound and now is more of a low hiss- white noise type, and sometimes crickets. When the high pitch comes back it is a weaker less intrusive pitch. Sometimes (not often) I have woken up to mostly silence. I still have noise in my head, like an electrical overtone to some sounds and voices, when I speak etc.
I have always taken such good care of my ears, I have never been a concert goer etc.. Are these good signs that it's going to fade at some point? Sometimes it goes down to a 2, and the highest I'd say is prob a 4 or 5. I am a patient woman and am willing to wait for it to fade more till I don't notice it..It's just so hard with my little kids. I was blessed with them (I had my first at 35) and now sometimes it hurts to listen to their excitement and I don't want it to affect our relationship.
I also have a loud talking husband(who has his own ear damage from the war)
Another thing is that I have a really bad neck and shoulders (stress related) and sinus' too. It's been an ongoing issue even before the tinnitus. My chiropractor thinks that maybe when the gunshot went off I tensed up and created more issues in my head and neck..She said they were worse than she's ever seen them and after my second session my tinnitus was at a 2 for the rest of the day.
I just need a little encouragement, here. If not for me, for my kids. I love them so much. They don't understand whats going on, why mommy is always telling them SHH! thank you!
I've been reading posts here for the last 3 weeks, esp the success stories.

I have always taken such good care of my ears, I have never been a concert goer etc.. Are these good signs that it's going to fade at some point? Sometimes it goes down to a 2, and the highest I'd say is prob a 4 or 5. I am a patient woman and am willing to wait for it to fade more till I don't notice it..It's just so hard with my little kids. I was blessed with them (I had my first at 35) and now sometimes it hurts to listen to their excitement and I don't want it to affect our relationship.

Another thing is that I have a really bad neck and shoulders (stress related) and sinus' too. It's been an ongoing issue even before the tinnitus. My chiropractor thinks that maybe when the gunshot went off I tensed up and created more issues in my head and neck..She said they were worse than she's ever seen them and after my second session my tinnitus was at a 2 for the rest of the day.
I just need a little encouragement, here. If not for me, for my kids. I love them so much. They don't understand whats going on, why mommy is always telling them SHH! thank you!
I've been reading posts here for the last 3 weeks, esp the success stories.