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Hello...i have sensorineural hearing lost and severe tinnitus

Kenneth Bernard

Mar 29, 2013
Tinnitus Since

My name is Kenneth Bernard and i live in California....i had this very bad tinnitus since last june 2012. Everyday it just increase loud buzzing noise...i have tried everything...been to doctors..specialist....ENT...everything. Most found nothing in MRI and Cat scan. I am deaf in left ear and not much hearing in right ear but i do wear a hearing aid on my right ear. Anyway...everyday now it just kills me everyday slowly and its eating me up badly...poor lack of sleep. I am so scared what this illness could do to me and thinking what i might do to my self....it scares me!! I am 47 years old and not working right now and i am on social disability. My primary doctor wants me to seek Psychiatry soon. Anyway..i was wondering if anyone knows or can help me fight this and what should i do wit this horrible tinnitus. I cry everyday..it hurts me so bad what i am hearing 7/24 nonstop....i pray every night and asked why is this thing doing this to me?. I am also taking vitamins too. I am new to this forum and a friend asked me to look a forum up about tinnitus so i found this site.

Thanks Kenneth
Hi, Kenneth, and welcome! You've come to the right place for tinnitus information and support from other people who are going through a lot of the same experiences you're going through right now.

You've already been to various doctors and had many tests run. It is good that they did not find anything seriously wrong, but I know you are still suffering. It could be that the hearing loss has made your ears more sensitive and caused the tinnitus to become gradually worse. Do your hearing aids also have sounds that mask tinnitus? There are some other people on this site who have hearing aids that provide both hearing amplification and tinnitus masking. This is a link to one of the threads on the topic of hearing aids: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/posts/10146/
Here is another: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/posts/10071/

It is probably good that your doctor is suggesting a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is able to prescribe drugs that may help you with sleep. Two drugs that people here feel are effective are Remeron (for sleep) and Pregabalin (for anxiety). These drugs are apparently calming and not addictive like some of the benzodiazepene drugs are. I haven't used these drugs myself, but other people here have, and feel that they are quite effective. What you need right now is sleep; it will help you stay calmer and more able to cope with the tinnitus during the day.

I've had severe tinnitus myself since May 2010; I had mild tinnitus before that. What I've learned, and many others will agree, is that often with time, the tinnitus becomes less severe or bothersome. I know that's hard to believe right now, but it has really worked that way for me. I'm not sure if the tinnitus really calms down, or the brain becomes more adjusted to it, but things really do improve.

It's good that you're taking vitamins. There are some other supplements that some of us are taking that seem to help. For me, it's zinc and magnesium, plus vitamin B-12. Other people on this forum have many other types of supplements that they have tried that work for them. Everyone is different, so it's good to try different supplements to see what works for you.

Please do look around this forum; there is lots of great information here, and a wonderful, supportive bunch of people! Don't give up; you are going to be OK. Please feel free to ask questions, and to post a new thread of your own if you have additional questions or need additional support. We're here to help each other!
Hi, Kenneth, and welcome! You've come to the right place for tinnitus information and support from other people who are going through a lot of the same experiences you're going through right now.

You've already been to various doctors and had many tests run. It is good that they did not find anything seriously wrong, but I know you are still suffering. It could be that the hearing loss has made your ears more sensitive and caused the tinnitus to become gradually worse. Do your hearing aids also have sounds that mask tinnitus? There are some other people on this site who have hearing aids that provide both hearing amplification and tinnitus masking. This is a link to one of the threads on the topic of hearing aids: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/posts/10146/
Here is another: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/posts/10071/

It is probably good that your doctor is suggesting a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is able to prescribe drugs that may help you with sleep. Two drugs that people here feel are effective are Remeron (for sleep) and Pregabalin (for anxiety). These drugs are apparently calming and not addictive like some of the benzodiazepene drugs are. I haven't used these drugs myself, but other people here have, and feel that they are quite effective. What you need right now is sleep; it will help you stay calmer and more able to cope with the tinnitus during the day.

I've had severe tinnitus myself since May 2010; I had mild tinnitus before that. What I've learned, and many others will agree, is that often with time, the tinnitus becomes less severe or bothersome. I know that's hard to believe right now, but it has really worked that way for me. I'm not sure if the tinnitus really calms down, or the brain becomes more adjusted to it, but things really do improve.

It's good that you're taking vitamins. There are some other supplements that some of us are taking that seem to help. For me, it's zinc and magnesium, plus vitamin B-12. Other people on this forum have many other types of supplements that they have tried that work for them. Everyone is different, so it's good to try different supplements to see what works for you.

Please do look around this forum; there is lots of great information here, and a wonderful, supportive bunch of people! Don't give up; you are going to be OK. Please feel free to ask questions, and to post a new thread of your own if you have additional questions or need additional support. We're here to help each other!

Hello Karen....thanks for the reply....one of my doctor gave me this medication called lorazepam 2mg so i started using is for few months...at first i started and it helped me sleep at night when i go to bed so and after few months it just got me not good sleep anymore..i do not know why and noise just gotten worsen...i wondering if that medication cause tinnitus worsen and or got side effect...i do not know much about medications...one ENT doctor i seen in Stanford in San Francisco told me those Lorazepam isn't good for me so he also told me go seek psychiatrist. Man i just don't know what i was taking them and still am...i hope to find psychiatrist soon and be able help me and tell me what is the best medications for me to help me to sleep. I will tell about those medications that you prescribe to me.
Thanks Karen again. I will look around in this forum to check any information that can also help me. I will check out those links
I also have thyroid that isn't functioning properly...so my thyroid doctor increases my dosage up to 100 mg synthroid so he found t4 free 0.9 and TSH 9.73 and ANTI-THYROGLOULIN AB 792 AND ANTI BODY TPO >1000
Hi, again, Kenneth,
I've heard that some of the benzo drugs, like the Lorazepam, work well at first, and then stop working effectively after awhile. That may be what is happening to you. Louise, on this forum (here is a link to the thread: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/posts/10742/ mentions the drugs that I noted above. You may want to read through this thread for more advice about drugs.

I have underactive thyroid, too, and am also taking 100 mg Synthroid. I've read that thyroid problems and tinnitus can be related.

I hope you're able to find a sympathetic psychiatrist who will help with your sleep issues. Please post again and let us know how you're doing!!
OK thanks Karen....i read the posts....wow i gotta get myself psychiatrist soon...going look for them up first thing in the morning. I knew i wasn't alone...thanks.
you're not alone. I have the high pitched buzzing plus a medium loud tone.
may I ask if you got disability for your tinnitus? and if so, which doctor's gave you support letter?
(I am going through the process of an appeal)

for my severe debilitating tinnitus, I was on Clonazepam (a benzo like Lorazepam) and it helped me sleep for 3 months after which it stopped working and make my T even more "buzzier" upon withdrawl. Most doctors/pschiatrists aren't aware of this side-effect.
But in my case it was do or die as I had total insomnia sudden onset tinnitus.
Hello Dan....after i lost my job back in 2008....my work plant shut down so i applied ssdi to see if i qualify for ssdi so i had to take some test like hearing test to see how much hearing lost i have so i got it approved after 5 months waiting. Anyway...yea that lorazepam 2mg i am taking and its wearing down and not helping me sleep anymore....i know some people told me its bad drug and i been taking them like 3-4 dosages when i really need to sleep...i have to and also i split them half. I am still searching psychiatric...the noise right now its totally masking it out so loud...i hate it what i am hearing all day and all night. Now i do have bad insomnia due to this tinnitus. This is so horrible and what it does to your life right now....it scares me what i would do.
Hi Kenneth, Look around on this site. There is a lot of useful information, things you can try and real support from great people. I too relate completely to what you are going through with this. Is is misery defined. I don't know how I am making through- day by day is all.
Hi Ken: i read your story about the tinnitus and i have had moderate to severe T for about 32 years after losing all hearing in a bad motorcycle accident. I have had a cochlear implant since 1989. it does help me hear things but as far as the tinnitus goes, its there constantly. day and night. also have trouble sleeping too. want to get some restful sleep. tried over the counter things but they aren't much help. also have to watch for otc sleep meds (diphenhydramine) that are no good for prostate gland. hang in there.
My tinnitus right now is very severe horrible past weeks now....i am scared right now and not be able to sleep anymore....i just do no know what else to do. I am praying and hopefully i seek someone soon or get help soon. Its killing me...i am not doing anything to make it worst...its doing on its own!!! I just do not understand this at all why this doing this to me....i am still hanging there...but i afraid whats next?
That THS Thyroid 9.7 number is high! I think thyriod issues are easier to cure, keep taking 100 mg or more synthroid. They nuked mine and I take a daily pill, it will pull that THS number into normal range.

I'm not a doctor. I really hope you feel better Ken. It sounds terrible. God bless you, if I can say that.
I think a psychiatrist can give you medication. I know I can't sleep now, and I am not happy about side effects of the medication they gave me, as Dan mentioned. I'm going back and see if I can change it.
Yea i know its high...tomorrow i got an appt with my thyroid doctor and he will check on my new blood results...he may up dose again...i'm pretty sure he will. Thanks James for this info. I am still taking 100 mg.but still isn't helping though....maybe i gotta change my diet..try eat right foods....i guess...but i don't eat bad foods but still need something to change my eating. Maybe too much cereals which i only eat rice chex with 2% milk and sometimes eggs that has vitamins D ..B12...115mg omega 3...,these eggs i bought Eggs. Lands Best EB . Also taking vitamins D3 and C complex. God i wish there was cure for this horrible illness tinnitus.
Hello...i am back.

Right now i have very serve roaring buzzing in my right ear really bad. It gotten worst since i joined this forum. I have been seen UCSF and they could't find anything..they took MRI twice and Cat Scan too...nothing found. They suggest i should have cochlear implant....wow its very expensive and my insurance doesn't cover everything...i have medicare. I heard some had surgery when they had T and later on..they suffered bad vertigo and bad headaches...so i thought dam thats scary and its a big risk to do cochlear implant. I am deaf left ear and 1/2 deaf right ear which i do wear a hearing aid...so someone from ENT near my home donated my a masker aid...but it isn't powerful for me to hear the masker noise to be able even out with my high T cause its s loud i can't stand it listening to it...right now at this moment..i feel really down and i tried everything to cope this high T....been taking this medication Lorazepam 1mg every 8 hours....been taking em almost few months now. This is long story...i lost my regular doctor because i missed his 2 appointments...he discharged me..wow i was shocked..he was my Dr for like over 15 years...he won't prescribe me any medication for my T and i have been through horrible stage without anything...i cried every night...i have no where else to go...honestly i have very bad financial issues and i live alone. I have few friends...i don't even speak to my sisters...long story. Right now i feel so lonely...thinking what am i gonna do?
Hello...i am back.

Right now i have very serve roaring buzzing in my right ear really bad. It gotten worst since i joined this forum. I have been seen UCSF and they could't find anything..they took MRI twice and Cat Scan too...nothing found. They suggest i should have cochlear implant....wow its very expensive and my insurance doesn't cover everything...i have medicare. I heard some had surgery when they had T and later on..they suffered bad vertigo and bad headaches...so i thought dam thats scary and its a big risk to do cochlear implant. I am deaf left ear and 1/2 deaf right ear which i do wear a hearing aid...so someone from ENT near my home donated my a masker aid...but it isn't powerful for me to hear the masker noise to be able even out with my high T cause its s loud i can't stand it listening to it...right now at this moment..i feel really down and i tried everything to cope this high T....been taking this medication Lorazepam 1mg every 8 hours....been taking em almost few months now. This is long story...i lost my regular doctor because i missed his 2 appointments...he discharged me..wow i was shocked..he was my Dr for like over 15 years...he won't prescribe me any medication for my T and i have been through horrible stage without anything...i cried every night...i have no where else to go...honestly i have very bad financial issues and i live alone. I have few friends...i don't even speak to my sisters...long story. Right now i feel so lonely...thinking what am i gonna do?
Hello Kenneth
I'm so sorry to hear about your T. It is a horrible thing to have :(

For me, Niacin in the mornings and magnesium at bedtime , zinc every 2nd 3rd day has helped a lot.
Sorry about your doctor, they're heartless.
Really hope your T calms down.

Take care.
Hello Kenneth
I'm so sorry to hear about your T. It is a horrible thing to have :(

For me, Niacin in the mornings and magnesium at bedtime , zinc every 2nd 3rd day has helped a lot.
Sorry about your doctor, they're heartless.
Really hope your T calms down.

Take care.

Hi Sherri...

Thanks for the reply...yes its very horrible and its so annoying with this madness high T which i couldn't really understand why it consistently keep it on going every day and night....i wish too i would calm down in somedays....i pray everyday that hopefully it would calm down or go away...according that i have a hearing lost...heard it will be tough to deal with the T or it might be there for long time. It scares me right now. I do have magnesium and D3 and Zinc...some other few vitamins like B12 and C . Niacin...i never heard of that. Is it OTC ? Anyway..i will try take magnesium at night before i go bed...right now i am having difficult to sleep...its horrible.

Thanks for your thoughts and i am still struggling :(
I used to have roaring tinnitus in my right ear, too, back in 2010. Now, it has gotten a lot better and is no longer roaring. Like Sherri, I don't take any prescription drugs for my tinnitus. I take about the same things she does --- magnesium, vitamin D3, zinc every few days, and vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin C. Those supplements really do work, but they are subtle and may take a few days to a few weeks before you notice a difference.

Give it a try, and see if you see some improvement in a couple of weeks. Please don't be discouraged and don't give up; it's going to be okay. Here at Tinnitus Talk, we understand what you're going through!

Take care,
I used to have roaring tinnitus in my right ear, too, back in 2010. Now, it has gotten a lot better and is no longer roaring. Like Sherri, I don't take any prescription drugs for my tinnitus. I take about the same things she does --- magnesium, vitamin D3, zinc every few days, and vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin C. Those supplements really do work, but they are subtle and may take a few days to a few weeks before you notice a difference.

Give it a try, and see if you see some improvement in a couple of weeks. Please don't be discouraged and don't give up; it's going to be okay. Here at Tinnitus Talk, we understand what you're going through!

Take care,

Hello Karen...

I am trying my best to stop this medication Lorazepam...i have been taking them for months...if i stop like now..would i get withdraw of stopping this medication? I probably will have withdraw attack...like i will not be able sleep...i don't know. You see...i have a very severe hearing lost...with this high T i'm going through....my specialist ENT doctor told me it could be very difficult to get rid of T...i was like i didn't wanted him to tell me that and made me feel miserable. I know thats why i am here to hear what you people think of me and i am reading other postings too of other people problems with T.

I am going try to start what Sherri said...this will be first step. I am going to keep praying everyday and fight it.

Thanks Karen for your thoughts ...you too take care.

Hello Kenneth

Yes Niacin is over the counter, the brand I have is " webber naturals " I take 500 mgs
Before breakfast and on days when the t is loud I take 1000 mgs. I have a air purifier on for white noise and and on bad days I keep the " water sound for tinnitus " from YouTube on too, I take 4000 mgs of magnesium with camomile tea ( night blend )
2 tea bags for one cup of tea, these help me sleep well. Hope you're avoiding sugar, sodium , caffeine etc.

Karen will be better able to explain about lorazepam and possible withdrawal

We are all in the same boat Kenneth and suffering, people on this forum are very nice and helpful, ask whatever you want and vent whenever you feel like it.

Take care of yourself and hang in there ! Do get niacin , just might help you too.
Hello Kenneth

Yes Niacin is over the counter, the brand I have is " webber naturals " I take 500 mgs
Before breakfast and on days when the t is loud I take 1000 mgs. I have a air purifier on for white noise and and on bad days I keep the " water sound for tinnitus " from YouTube on too, I take 4000 mgs of magnesium with camomile tea ( night blend )
2 tea bags for one cup of tea, these help me sleep well. Hope you're avoiding sugar, sodium , caffeine etc.

Karen will be better able to explain about lorazepam and possible withdrawal

We are all in the same boat Kenneth and suffering, people on this forum are very nice and helpful, ask whatever you want and vent whenever you feel like it.

Take care of yourself and hang in there ! Do get niacin , just might help you too.

Thanks Sherri...i was looking online about the Niacin...which ones should i get no flush or time release?
Yes trying to avoid those stuffs caffeine and sugar and watch for high sodium foods too.
Yea i see everyone in here is nice and i see alot are in same boat...dang wish there was a cure for this crazy T.
I am going to the vitamin store tomorrow to look around and check out what they got and get some stuffs what you told me...thanks Sherri for this information.

Still hanging there...will do my best.
Welcome Kenneth.

Yes my niacin does say " no flush ", but still I kind of do get a warm flush type feeling and dry mouth sometimes at night, I read online the flushing is ok. It just means its working and opening up some constricted veins or something . Am glad you'll give the niacin a try.

Really hopes it helps you. Hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow, take care.
Hi, again, Kenneth,

I've never taken a benzo drug for any length of time, so I don't know much about how to get off the drug lorazepam. However, I do know that others on this forum have said that you need to taper off benzo drugs gradually, not go off them "cold turkey".

Here is a link to some information about lorazepam and withdrawal from it.

There are other people on this forum who may be able to answer any questions you might have about how to taper off the drug a little bit at a time.

Take care, and I wish you a calm day!
I have read about chohlarimplant if you make it in one ear ,the t usualy dissapear in that ear.
I also struggle with the demon its terrible.We are waiting for that haircellregrow.Some say its in the near future others
in 10 years.Hold on cosuffer.
Hello Kenneth,
I think it would be good if you could find a better doctor/psychiatrist to help you find a suitable medication for your sleeping. I am not a doctor, but from what I have heard benzodiazepines or sleeping pills are not recommended for long time use or for long time sleeping problems. Sometimes it would be nice to just take a pill and sleep peacefully for 8 hours, but unfortunately improving sleep is not that easy or happening right away.

Someone has recommended Remeron, I have good experiences with that medication. You could also try Melatonin, it works for some people. Or valerian pills/tea can help calming down.

Otherwise with sleep problems I think it's important to focus on having a nice and active day and forget about the sleeplessness and T for a while. Even though staying active can seem difficult when you are really tired. For example I went orienteering (hiking in the forest with a map) the other day with a friend. When I reached the bus stop after the hike I realized I hadn't thought about T for several hours. After that I thought maybe I can deal with this T after all.
Hi Ken, so glad your friend directed you to this site, after one year of searching for someone to understand your situation, your search is finally over. I am inspired by you, for being able to handle it pretty et at the time it seemed like my life was over as I knew, then after reading stories of others, and asking questions hear or just venting, made me feel better knowing that there was someone here 24/7 Also finding the right doctor that could at least give me an explanation of what was going on, was a great relief, mentally.

I have read the many replies to your post, each one has something to offer. Myself I take 10mg of Valium to chill out, yes they are addictive, but I do not care, if it helps I am going to use it. Also I use a hearing aid with a built in masker. Before I got it, I use an old FM transistor radio with an ear phone tuned to where there is no station, and used that for white noise. It actually will go a lot louder than my masker, perhaps trying to use this method will help better than the one the ENT gave you. I also sleep with three fans going to help drown out the noise

Seeing a psychiatrist will enable you to get medication to calm you down, but from my experience they only spend 10-15 with you. That is where this site has helped me so much with my questions, also reading other posts reenforces that I am not alone, and I usually learn something from each post.

I know all this is a lot to take in all at once, but we are all so eager to support you in your time of need. So just take your time and read through others posts.

Please keep us informed on what the doc's have to say & how you feel as often as you like. Again, there is someone here for you 24/7

One more thing, don't concern yourself about making mistakes here about posting and replying.

ps: you owe your friend a cup of coffee:)
I used to have roaring tinnitus in my right ear, too, back in 2010. Now, it has gotten a lot better and is no longer roaring. Like Sherri, I don't take any prescription drugs for my tinnitus. I take about the same things she does --- magnesium, vitamin D3, zinc every few days, and vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin C. Those supplements really do work, but they are subtle and may take a few days to a few weeks before you notice a difference.

Give it a try, and see if you see some improvement in a couple of weeks. Please don't be discouraged and don't give up; it's going to be okay. Here at Tinnitus Talk, we understand what you're going through!

Take care,
Hi Karen,

Sorry If you have already mentioned this elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. Could you please tell me exactly what non prescription meds you take, what dosage and how often you them. Ie once a day, twice a day, every other day etc.... And what times of day you take them. Sorry to be a pain


Hi, @Darren Knight,
Just got home from work and read your post. Yes, I'll be happy to tell you what supplements I'm currently taking. Here goes:
ALTA Magnesium chloride: Currently taking 2 tablets per day, 520 mg. each = 1,040 mg.
Vitamin D3 - 2,000 IU
Fish oil - 1200 mg.
Vitamin B12 - 1,000 mcg.
COQ10 - 100 mg.
Zinc - I only take it a couple times per week - 1 - 23 mg. tablet
EmergenC (Vitamin C) - 1 packet per day - 1,000 mg.
Moringa Oliefera - 400 mg. per capsule - I usually take at least 2 capsules per day = 800 mg

Before bedtime (for sleep), I've recently been taking a Chinese herb called An Shen Bu Xin Wan - only 4 tea pills per day, as needed. (The recommended dose is 8 pills 3 times per day.)

The only prescription drug I take is Synthroid, for thyroid condition.

Are you currently taking any supplements for tinnitus?

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