Hello There


Sep 8, 2016
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Unknown (diagnosed with ETD, TMJD and Straigtened Neck)
Hello everybody,

My tinnitus started in March 18. Right after I got out from a half an hour shower to get dressed in the bedroom.I realised a noise in my head/ears that was scary. Two minutes later the sound calmed down but did not dissapear. That day I didn't know that tinnitus exist as a constant noise rather as a few days symptom after clubbing so I didn't seek immidiately medical help. I just measured my blood pressure which was high (11-16). My explanation was that it may be an other symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (typical of which is the fear that is something wrong such as ''I can't breath well'' or ''my heart will stop bitting'' etc)

In a nutshell:

  • Tinnitus worsened after reading stories about suicide and that it can get worse.
  • In first 3 months always worse after shower, after 2 minutes calmed down (ent's said it was just a coincidence but I still doubt it)
  • Among with tinnitus I had clicking and cratching noises in my ears that I never experienced in the past and the feeling that my ears are wet.
  • In Ma,y when tinnitus was louder I developped sensitivity to noise made by dish (now I don't have it any more)
Possible causes:

  • Overuse of big/earbud headphones. (wearing them all day for last 5 years)
  • The week tinnitus started I had very strong pain in my neck that I never had before and diagnosed with Straightend Neck (Xrays)
  • Cold turkey withdrawal form Tavor (a bezodiazepine) which very often can cause tinnitus
  • Zoloft (I quitted it as tinnitus is listed in side effects). Zoloft caused me hyperorgasmia which can cause tinnitus.
  • Eustachian Tubes Dysfunction (diagnosed a month ago)
  • TMJ
  • Chronic stress (due to OCD)
  • Caffeine overuse (until last december, few months tinnitus start, I used to drink 7-10 cups of coffee)
All hearing tests were excellent, Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response was fine, but otoacoustic emissions indicated a damage (doctor said is 100% reversible as my hearing test was fine). Other ENT's who watched at the OE test said it is normal.

In July, not only I was habituated to tinnitus but it was so softer that I could barely notice in a very isolated room. Some days for few hours there was no tinnitus at all. But it all changed 2 weeks ago when I was making neti pot and out of ignorance. I put salt water into the left eaustachian tube to unblock it..my eardrum felt buring that moment and then I put a lot of water again into the eustachian tube to get the salt out!! The ringing was strong again and the right era started to ring as well..things are better now but the ringing didn't return to previous level. Doctor said it's only the fluid that worsens the noise and it will go away as far as the eardurm will drain. My fear is that I burnt or caused a damage to the cochlea... Anybody is more than welcome to comment.

Thank you for reading my long post, best wishes to all of you.
Welcome to the forum. I guess I have to be careful using neti pot for clearing my sinus congestion. LOL. I do hope that things will settle down for you. Worry about the future such as further damage etc. can only make you anxious and stressful. These reactions are not helpful and can make T worse. It feeds on fear, worry, anxiety and panic plus depression. So try to stay away from negativity as much as you can. Take care. God bless.
Hallo billie48 and thank you very much for your anwer and your wishes!

Yes I think one should be very careful on neti pot, I know it can open eustachian tubes that makes you feel great but as far as there is even a little risk to make a damage one should use it in a totally safe way. I've read similar stories in this site of people which made their tinnitus louder which thankfully settled down later.

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