HELP, I Need Help Dealing with My Tinnitus.


Jul 16, 2014
Oxford, England
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Labyrinthitis (Inner ear infection)
Hi All

I have had T for only 7 1/2 weeks now which I know doesn't seem long but its driving me insane. I'm crying every day and feel sick to my stomach. I have seen an ENT and they have advised me i have high to mid frequency hearing loss which was caused by a virus I had (I had dizziness and sickness for 2 weeks at the beginning)

I am going to see someone about a hearing aid soon but im really struggling to believe that ill ever habituate. Do people with severe tinnitus really jst not hear it or focus out from it? Im finding it so hard to believe.

Any support or advise from anyone would be massively helpful.

I'm only 23, and I'm so worried this will effect me when i have kids, get married and all that jazz.


Hi Caff.........I'm Maximus Proximo....... I just joined here last week. I'm in the new people bunch with the thread ' New Texan"......Read my story....we have a lot in common. I wore a hearing aid with Tinnitus white noise masking. It's a great help but when I take it off at night my Tinnitus seemed worse even though it wasn't, but it sure was a great thing....... habituation just happened to me out of the blue... It can take weeks, months, maybe years, I prayed and cried often.....stay in a sound rich environment, don't get mad at the noise, it's just your brain trying to recreate the hearing loss's just a noise....not bad, not good, just energy.....relax and listen to some YouTube Tinnitus masking sounds.......40 million people have Tinnitus......we're in this together, be hopeful.........your Tinnitus may go away or get better....... but you're still you, the ringing won't change you, you are in charge......Tinnitus can't hurt you..... put it on the back burner, love your family, and keep praying for peace, God will give it to you, believe that!
Hi All

I have had T for only 7 1/2 weeks now which I know doesn't seem long but its driving me insane. I'm crying every day and feel sick to my stomach. I have seen an ENT and they have advised me i have high to mid frequency hearing loss which was caused by a virus I had (I had dizziness and sickness for 2 weeks at the beginning)

I am going to see someone about a hearing aid soon but im really struggling to believe that ill ever habituate. Do people with severe tinnitus really jst not hear it or focus out from it? Im finding it so hard to believe.

Any support or advise from anyone would be massively helpful.

I'm only 23, and I'm so worried this will effect me when i have kids, get married and all that jazz.



Hi Caff, I can't add much to what Maximus has already told you. He gave you very good advice.
Just want to say you are not alone in this, we here at TT are always here for you, and totally understand what you are going through.

You should check out " The Positivity Thread" under Support...
Hello Caff,

The fact that you say that you're crying every day and feel sick to your stomach may indicate that you need an antianxiety/antidepressant to help you cope during this difficult time. Many of us on the forum have had to use meds in order to help us get through difficult times.

Unfortunately, anxiety and fear just make a T condition worse. So, if you can lower your anxiety level, usually the severity of your T will decrease. I just went through this in the last six months. So, my opinion is based on personal experience.

And you can be sure that a guy that likes Daffy Duck would never lie to you!....:D
Hi All

I have had T for only 7 1/2 weeks now which I know doesn't seem long but its driving me insane. I'm crying every day and feel sick to my stomach. I have seen an ENT and they have advised me i have high to mid frequency hearing loss which was caused by a virus I had (I had dizziness and sickness for 2 weeks at the beginning)

I am going to see someone about a hearing aid soon but im really struggling to believe that ill ever habituate. Do people with severe tinnitus really jst not hear it or focus out from it? Im finding it so hard to believe.

Any support or advise from anyone would be massively helpful.

I'm only 23, and I'm so worried this will effect me when i have kids, get married and all that jazz.


Im 23 also, and i worry bout the future too. But T is just one of the things in life that some people ( all of us on here) have to get through before it becomes a nonfactor anymore.. And we will all do it and succeed! :) good days and bad days but thats life with anyone without T also. The noise will just become apart of you until your so use to it that it will just be like a hum of the fridge ( although i know fridges arent too loud and dont pierce your ears) but the whole point is that it will just be another nuisance in life and one day when were all feelin better (cured or it lessons) then at least we know were strong enough to pretty much get through anything.. Even with T now other things in life wont bother you so much cause you know what it feels like too be on a low level.. But its kind of like lessons learning i see it as dont take things for granted..i try and tell friends/family to protect themselves from loud music/takin alot of tylenol or prescription drugs that could lead to this--- unfortunetly they dont listen and think it couldnt possibly happen to them.. As i try an explain it happened to me.. And millions a year experience it so no one should ever think there super human and that it couldnt happen to them. Point is, you will get married fall inlove if you already havent--have kids-- do all the stuff youve always loved doin just with some extra precautions and with the knowledge your learning on here and your life will be fantastic!!! :) plus read into the research forum its insane how close we are to getting rid of the noise-- if not, eliminating it pretty damn good! Once you habuitate, and you think of it as a non issue-- life will fly before your eyes ( or i should say ears lol) and something will be out for all of us to get relief!!!!! Keep that chin up!!!--- gonna add also that you should talk with your doc about gettin on some kind of anti anxiety med/or anti depressant... Really chills me out when i need it.
Hi guys,

Thanks for all your posts and comments.
im finding that when i go to bed my T is really loud but when i wake its quite quiet and gets progressively worse throughout the day. I tried going to a works garden party last night and all i could focus on was my T so i had to come home. Because i have SSHL i also hear lots of high pitched squeaks when someone laughs or i listen to the radio which is incredibly stressful. I wanted to know if this squeaking would go over time or would i need a hearing aid to help this?

@Grace I have seen in some of your posts you still go out drinking, how have you found this with your T? Do you still go to bars, drink alcohol and all that?

When the doctor told me my T would clear once the fluid was gone (wrong diagnosis) I went to a few bars and drank a fair bit and i dont really think it had much of an effect on my T. This is when i was feeling "happy knowing it would go" or so i thought. Its amazing how differently i felt once i was told it would stay, from living normally with T to going into compleat dispair and anxiety! anyway going off subject i was more interested in how you still go about being a young female like me enjoying her youth.

@Grace I have seen in some of your posts you still go out drinking, how have you found this with your T? Do you still go to bars, drink alcohol and all that?

When the doctor told me my T would clear once the fluid was gone (wrong diagnosis) I went to a few bars and drank a fair bit and i dont really think it had much of an effect on my T. This is when i was feeling "happy knowing it would go" or so i thought. Its amazing how differently i felt once i was told it would stay, from living normally with T to going into compleat dispair and anxiety! anyway going off subject i was more interested in how you still go about being a young female like me enjoying her youth.

yeah i still go out.. I dont do clubs or concerts but for instance i had a wedding last weekend which the dj was LOUDDDD, wore earplugs took cig breaks cause thats what everyone does.. And its an exuse to go outside ;) anddd that was for about 7 hours.. Then on tuesday i went out with a few friends to a bar that was pretty loud but again i wear plugs and all the noise really tones down so its actually nice ANDD i realized i can actually hear conversations better with plugs then without cause everyone else is screaming to talk lol but drinking wise doesnt effect my T.. It might be a bit louder when i go to bed against the pillow but it always back few hours later. I know the risks of T and that hearing loss is cumalitive, but im still gonna enjoy my life now with precautions. My T is noise induced and im at 8 monthes now and i can say it has gotten better in those monthss of havin it. On days when i overthink and get anxious i take a klonopin and it usually takes my T down to almost gone and just relaxs my brain to think of otherstuff. My issue is more so my anxiety and i think too much about my T worsening but who doesnt think that? Basically everyone of your friends, and my friends and everyone elses is at risk for T and i look at it is now i gotta a lil taste of it so now i will start protecting my ears while still havin fun. I think you should go out and have a good time, have a few drinks and forget about T but just wear plugs and take breaks depending how loud it is! :)
@Grace that's brilliant advice! Makes me feel more confident to go out! Can I ask what ear plugs you use? Are they discreet ones?

What kind of hearing loss do you have or is it just the T?

That's interesting that the Klonipin decreases your T. I'm trying to stay away from prescriptions and anti depressants as I'm terrified I'll become dependant on them so I'm just trying to do it on my own

I can't wait to feel excited about going out again. I have been invited to thinks but still feel more nervous than excited

Hi Caff,
I'm sorry to hear about your hearing loss. I had an experience similar to yours. Caught a nasty virus, was misdiagnosed with just a sinus infection, then a month later a new ENT I got said, "You have SSNHL." Great!! So now the hearing loss I'm experiencing, hyperacussis (which it sounds like you have too), and high pitched ringing (crackling, and buzzing) that you first told me was temporary is now permanent? What the hell?!?!

Anyway, yes, it sucks, but relief will come! I'm only 34 and was pretty distraught that I would have to deal with this for the rest of my life, but I'll tell you, antidepressants, antianxiety meds and success stories raised me up out of the deep dark depths of despair. I highly recommend you go to a doctor. Klonopin works great for me and now I'm only taking it as needed for anxiety. I worry too about addiction, but with tapering, you can come off of it, if you end up needing it on a regular basis. Klonopin got me over the sensitivity to sounds, like you are having, immediately, and after being on it for three weeks it never came back. Once that happens, listen to lots of music, do the things you love to do, SLEEP, and over time you will habituate.

I'm not habituated yet, but I'm getting there. I sleep through the night now no problem, without meds, and start my mornings looking forward to the day! I had to stop my SSRI because it was causing some bad side effects, but am now using a Tinnitus E-programme through an audiologist in the UK for free online which is helping. Here is the link if you're interested

T and hearing loss need many different weapons. Try on a few and see what works for you! Best to you!

Also, the more you talk to people about it, the more you will discover how many people have T and hearing loss that you weren't even aware of. Several people in my family have it, and it doesn't bother them in the slightest (because they have habituated) including my dad who has bipolar disorder, PTSD, and is MD. If he can do, I can do it, and so can you : )
Also, the more you talk to people about it, the more you will discover how many people have T and hearing loss that you weren't even aware of. Several people in my family have it, and it doesn't bother them in the slightest (because they have habituated) including my dad who has bipolar disorder, PTSD, and is MD. If he can do, I can do it, and so can you : )

good to hear from you Claire, we got tinnitus at approximately the same time and since you hadn't been on the site in awhile I assumed your tinnitus probably disappeared, etc... glad to hear that you are in the process of habituating and doing better
Hi Matt, How have you been?!? Yes, I go back and forth with my good days and bad. Did you ever join the study for AM-101? I backed out since my T is from hearing loss, and I didn't think it would help.
I went through the prescreening process and was initially accepted and had my injections scheduled and was called 2 days before and told that after the doctor consulted with medpace the study sponsor it was decided I didn't qualify because mine was from ear syringing, ridiculous but looking back on it I'm happy it worked out that way, the dr doing the trial told me if it was any consolation he wasn't too impressed with the previous results, my father in law who is a dr said the same thing too... I'm doing really well now, hope you continue to improve, did your hearing loss lessen at all?
Well that's good to hear Matt! No, my hearing loss is still the same. My doctors put me on SSRI's at first, which helped immensely, but I had such horrific side effects that I've had to stop them, which has put me in a bit of a slump. I've decided to just stick with Klonopin, headphones and relaxation therapy. These seem to help me more then anything else.

Have you habituated? I think I could if mine didn't flucuate and change so much. I know I will, it just takes time!!!
I am going to see someone about a hearing aid soon but im really struggling to believe that ill ever habituate. Do people with severe tinnitus really jst not hear it or focus out from it? Im finding it so hard to believe.

@caffclifton Have you seen an audiologist yet? I see you have SSHL. Can you still hear from your bad ear? Did you have an audiogram done?

And I hope you saw an audiologist who also treats tinnitus. They have very good hearing aids with maskers that will help you get used to your noise. Those maskers help a lot of people adjust.

I'm also glad you are enjoying yourself again! You can have fun--as long as your bring ear plugs!:)
@Claire43013 Thanks for your post. My doctor has put me on anti depressants but its not Klnopin, i might ask her about that. Im going to ask the Audiologist about Hypercausis when i see them as i have read up about it, im not sensitive to all sounds just in crowded places i get like beeping/squeaking in my ears especially when im in the car listening to the radio. I also hear alot of bass too. Im just hoping that this gets better over time? Im just not sure what it is, im so confused.

Thanks for the link, ill have a look into doing that.

@jazz I briefly sway an audiologist who did a hearing test and said i have hearing loss in the mid/high frequency in my bad ear. Yes i can still hear from it but its very bassy and squeaky. I am being refereed to an audiologist department at my local hospital for further treatment/investigation they will talk to me abut my options going forward (i hope)

Thank you both for your comments, im still really struggling to accept this as life now and am hoping still that it just goes... but i doubt it :(

Update - having a better day today T seems pretty low and started hearing therapy. The therapist thinks there's a good chance she can help me reduce my T. Also been to a chiropractor and it may not help my T but is making me feel better in myself. I'm trying to be positive and do things to make me happy
Hi Caff,
It just takes awhile to adjust to the new way things sound after SSNHL. I know, they don't sound as good as they use to, but over time you won't notice the squeaky's and bass sounds as much. Basically, your sense of hearing has been altered, and now you're super tuning into it, which makes it seem even more so. At least, that's how it was for me. I couldn't stand to hear things that were high pitched and everything had a very tinny sound to it. I hardly even notice that even more. Now I just hear the tinnitus for the most part, but even that is getting better. A good audiologist, psychiatrist and counselor are essential. Also, learn about the five stages of grief. You've experienced a major loss so you're going to feel bad. The problem arises when we stay in the depression stage for too long, we aren't able to reach acceptance. I'll be praying for you.

Update - having a better day today T seems pretty low and started hearing therapy. The therapist thinks there's a good chance she can help me reduce my T. Also been to a chiropractor and it may not help my T but is making me feel better in myself. I'm trying to be positive and do things to make me happy
Did the Chiro help? How are you doing now? I have had t for about a year. I am partially habituated. I think there are a lot of treatments in the works. We all just need to hang in there for a few more years.
hi @lost horizons, im much better now thanks, still have the T and hearing loss but id say im fully habituated :) i hear the T but it doent bother me in the slightest 99.9% of the time. For me no the Chiro didnt help, i didnt realise at the time i have T because of damages hair cells in my ear therefore a chiro would be pointless however i have heard for others with neck issues relating to T that it has really helped :)

How are you? i hope you are coaping well day to day with the T

Caff x
Hi Caff.........I'm Maximus Proximo....... I just joined here last week. I'm in the new people bunch with the thread ' New Texan"......Read my story....we have a lot in common. I wore a hearing aid with Tinnitus white noise masking. It's a great help but when I take it off at night my Tinnitus seemed worse even though it wasn't, but it sure was a great thing....... habituation just happened to me out of the blue... It can take weeks, months, maybe years, I prayed and cried often.....stay in a sound rich environment, don't get mad at the noise, it's just your brain trying to recreate the hearing loss's just a noise....not bad, not good, just energy.....relax and listen to some YouTube Tinnitus masking sounds.......40 million people have Tinnitus......we're in this together, be hopeful.........your Tinnitus may go away or get better....... but you're still you, the ringing won't change you, you are in charge......Tinnitus can't hurt you..... put it on the back burner, love your family, and keep praying for peace, God will give it to you, believe that!

Maximus, I see you have used hearing aids for your tinnitus... are you still using them and would you recommend it for somebody else? If you have any information on yours you could provide it would be so much appreciated.. thanks! TexasT
@TexasT, as TT ambassadors, we advise members to effectively use the site to communicate with each other. You have asked a question to a member requiring response. Since Maximus's last post on this thread is a year ago, he may not be aware of your question to him. Try to tag him by @Maximus Proximo and this will give him an alert (assuming he is still visiting the site). If you don't get a response from him, then perhaps either search TT with 'hearing aids' to see an archive of past discussions on this or better yet, start a new thread in the Support Forum to ask the members at large to give you their recommendations regarding their experience of using hearing aids for T.

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