my tinnitus was reasonably under control, but very easy to Spike or "rekindle". so I had to move to a new city, and get temporary accomodation, which I thought would be quiet, but ended up that this is a busy street, and buses going up and down with LOUD LOW pitched exhaust. Also, it Snowed! and a snow plow is extremely loud, and it HIT THE CURB! which made a very loud CLANG! and then my tinnitus went from 3+ to 15+ on scale of 1-10. for the next three days, I cannot remember any details, because I innundated myself with sedatives to try to sleep. LUCKILY! there was another suite available at the back of the building away from the street, but now what happens - is the slightest noise makes my tinnitus worse. Finally I thought I had a quiet place, but with the increased noise sensitivity (severe hyperaccusis), any slight far away noise which otherwise would have been o.k. now spikes my tinnius. then! at 12.30 in the a.m. some very large noisy truck shows up and does loading and unloading for about 30 minutes, which by this point was starting to make me head for the insane asylum.
I am so so afraid at the moment, i don't know what to do. I have access to meds like lyrica opiates mirtazapine Imovane etc to get me to sleep, but then I show up for work spaced out, and this is just crazy.
All because I picked the wrong suite, and the snowplow with the HUGE clang. the Clang! happened 3 1/2 days ago. please tell me this spike will get better, I am just beside myself with worry.
I am so so afraid at the moment, i don't know what to do. I have access to meds like lyrica opiates mirtazapine Imovane etc to get me to sleep, but then I show up for work spaced out, and this is just crazy.
All because I picked the wrong suite, and the snowplow with the HUGE clang. the Clang! happened 3 1/2 days ago. please tell me this spike will get better, I am just beside myself with worry.