About 2 months ago seems looking up "T" on the internet almost gave me tinnitus...First off, I would like to thank all of you for your knowledge and taking the time to share your experiences and support for this condition, it is truly is a big help and much appreciated on my part! I would like to explain my situation, I went to an ENT for a hearing test and examination, my hearing is good, left ear was almost perfect and right ear was around 15-25db loss at 3 to 8 khz at the time, for many years, 15+ I had a loud stereo in my car and the right ear is the focal point of the car where I live, I was told my hearing is good. Also went for an ABR, CT, MRI and they turned out good as well, this condition sure is a mystery and I hope someone will find a cure or at least some kind of solid treatment in the near future. Now where it all started, I suffered a mild concussion on june 9th (the ct scan was 5 days after as I spent most of my summer at ER worrying about my brain), I felt fine the next day after the concussion but I knew I had to go see a doctor so I did (I'm a bit of a hypochondriac in times like these!! and I tend to worry myself way beyond!!!) around the 12th after another visit to the ER a doctor gave me 1 anti-inflammatory needle (in my hip, toradol) I also had 4 beer that night because of all the stress I was going through, I was also on Advil at the time as well for about 2 weeks, Had no clue about ototoxicity at the time and after that needle it seemed as though my right ear became plugged or a fullness feeling (no ringing at the time) doctor than told me I had a "flu" in my sinuses due to the plugged feeling in my ear and told me to do a saline rinse of salt water a couple times a day so that's what I did, fast forward 2.5 weeks my ear started to unplug but the anxiety of everything I was going through brought me back to the hospital, what a bad day that was... I thought I was having a heart attack that day due to the anxiety of everything (worrying about PCS) my head was pounding and my chest didn't feel right so they did a EKG, which turned out okay, when I was waiting to see the doctor in the examination room that was the first time I heard a slight ringing which was on June28th, I wasn't sure if it was the fluorescent light above me, the doctor on call actually had tinnitus from a sinus infection 2 years prior and explained it may or may not go away, so when I got home I googled and found out about tinnitus and my ears have been ringing a high pitched tone ever since, almost pulsating at times but not the same rhythm as my heartbeat. I don't notice it much during the day unless I "look" for it which is hard not to do with this condition, some mornings I cant even hear it even if I try to, which is bliss. There seems to be a lot of knowledgeable people on this board and I just wanted to share my story and maybe get some advice or hope if any of you have ever heard about this in your travels, and if there is a chance that it may subside. Thanks everyone!