Hey There


May 13, 2015
Berlin, Germany
Tinnitus Since
After a few days reading through all these posts, I decided to sign up for an internet forum for the very first time in my life, wished the reasons were happier ones though :(

I`m a musician (at least I was) and three weeks ago after practicing with my band (rock music, loud) I felt my hearing has changed. Left ear was muffled, my own voice sounded strange and indirect, thought it should be better next day. Not the case. Saw the ENT, audiogram was ok, got some nose spray, calmed down.

2 days later I realised that sound in my ear, so quiet as if it wants to hide, but it was there. Saw the next ENT and got 5 injections with cortisone. Well, that sound got louder or at least more present to me after these 5 days and stayed pretty much the same since then. Now the t-word is in my life and since my whole life, my emotions and my feelings are connected to music, listening to it, playing my guitar, writing songs, expressing myself this way, this really does make an unpleasant change.

I know 3 weeks is not that long and I cannot describe my compassion for those, who suffer for years now. So here I am, new to this and since even doctors and scientists are groping in the dark, I don't have a clue what to do next. I try to ignore it, but that's a pretty tough task for someone who had a very sensitive hearing for so long. Was thinking about HBO, but that's a hell lot of money.

Well, that's me, hi there, not happy to have this t-shit, but happy to be part of this community.

Hi Daniel !:welcomesignanimation:
As a musician and music lover myself I know exactly how you feel right now... However, it seems that your tinnitus is not too bad and in an early stage so I would advise first of all to finish the course with steroids (cortisone) shots or tablets. I did HBO sessions one month after onset of my tinnitus but not sure if it really helped + from what I read steroids seems to be the best option in most cases...
Take some time to relax and continue your activities (except exposure to loud noise of course) during next weeks and then you can start doing music again (with protections when it gets loud) and see how you feel and how much your tinnitus (if still there) is reacting to sound.
What you know now is that you have sensitive ears (or hearing system) and you should take this very seriously not to aggravate things especially as you are a musician. Of course it does not mean to become paranoic with sounds but just to listen to your body and feelings and decide (with a certain margin) when to protect your hearing. This includes parties and concerts of course.
Instead of spending money in HBO have yourself done musician earplugs -25dB (and eventually a second pair -15dB for not too loud parties/music) and go on with your passion. NEVER LET TINNITUS RUIN YOUR LOVE FOR MUSIC. Many musicians have tinnitus and continue to do music with the right protection/attitude/instrument. For instance I started playing handpan which is a very therapeutic instrument for tinnitus sufferers :) !
Best wishes from Brussels my friend !
Stay calm, stay strong and keep faith in music !
Hey drox!

Thank you so much for your kind words and the package full of good advices. Feels good to know there are music loving companions out there. I will pick up the guitar again sooner or later for sure, play around with my acoustic guitar for a while before I plug in the electric guitar again. Or check out the handpan, who knows :)

Anyway, good to hear from you, thanks again!

All the best to lovely Brussels, travel safe brother,

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