Hi — Diagnosed with Tinnitus Prior to My Discharge from the Service


Dec 28, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Continued effects of HF communication, white noise. Military
Hi, my name is Glenn. I was diagnosed with tinnitus by a civilian Dr. prior to my discharge from the service.

My tinnitus was for the most part not horrible, not difficult to deal with.

In the past year, it has gotten to the point, that I have a hard time hearing what people are saying over the constant ringing.

I have hearing loss as well, but am pretty darned good at reading lips. My hearing continues to degrade, but the constant ringing in both ears remains, as always. I'm having a very difficult time figuring out what to do now.

I've tried multiple apps on my phone, the calming ones, the noise suppressors, nothing helps.

I'm open to suggestions and any viewpoints/pointers anyone might have. The noise I hear is an extremely high pitch in both ears, but sometimes it will change to a lower tone. Not sure what that's all about either.

I'm kind of at my wits end as to what to do. Thanks for reading this, and any input would be gratefully received.
Hi, my name is Glenn. I was diagnosed with tinnitus by a civilian Dr. prior to my discharge from the service

Hi @GlennC

You need to be seen at ENT for tests on your auditory system. They will probably show hearing loss which you've mentioned that you have. It may be suggested that you are fitted with a hearing aid/s. Having hearing loss in many cases increases tinnitus. Once you are fitted with a hearing aid/s in time your tinnitus should reduce if this device is recommended by your Hearing Therapist/Audiologist that I believe your ENT doctor will refer you to. Please make the appointment to be seen at ENT. Please click on the link below and read my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View. It covers treatment for tinnitus and coping methods.

All the best

Thank you so much for the reply and the link. I look forward to reading the information on the link. Thank you again sir.
You are not mentionning the causes of your hearing loss - and resulting T but We can assume firearms shooting ?
Why did your loss continue ? Any other noise exposure ?
Hi Bobby. I was a communicator in the Navy. Pretty much during my time in, I was exposed to loud noise on a fairly constant basis. I attribute the tinnitus to the time I spent working with HF comms (lots of white noise, hisses, squeels, pops etc.). I know that prior to working at that command, my ears did not ring. From '97 on, they have. It's the only thing that I can come up with. The hearing loss and the continual decline, well I'd love to give you a reason..I just can't. The last audiology appointment I had was last year, and the results were just what I expected. In the higher registers, I've got nothing. I can't hear it. When someone is soft spoken, nope I can't hear them at all. I'd love to give you something more concrete than that, but I just don't have it.

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