Hi from Canada


Jun 3, 2018
Winnipeg Canada
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi all: Just a quick intro... I wish I had found this site 5 months ago, it would have been nice to share my thoughts/pain then.

I started having sounds in my head at Christmas 2017. Anxiety shot through the roof, could not sleep. Basically the sound was/is inside my head, not really in my ears. At its worst, it sounded like a 3 diesel trucks running in my head, with a snow clearing crew scraping their buckets on the pavement. Finally got in to a doctor. He at least gave me sleeping pills which got me sleeping, and I was able to work. (I had missed a few days here and there as I was not sleeping at all). At the same time the noise started, I started getting headaches whenever I bent over, coughed, laughed or did any type of strain.

After finally getting in to a ENT, he diagnosed me as having T, but said there is no way that it is causing headaches. (These specialists are a quirky bunch, he was doodling on a pad of paper while I told him symptoms). He said go back to doctor for headaches. I did, and he ordered a CT scan. Had that done and it showed up as normal.

So five months into this I can say that the sound has reduced to just one truck idling at a low volume, along with a sound like someone constantly saying "sssshhhhhhh". It is very tolerable at the moment. The headaches are still there, but very manageable.

Being from a large family of 8, 6 of us have had these ear problems, all with varying symptoms and sounds. 4 of these 6 have had many bouts of vertigo that accompany it. One had it so bad this winter, he was basically bed ridden, and spent a lot of time laying in bed or on the floor, any movement and he was throwing up for hours. Thank goodness I did not get it to this extreme.

Anyways, I want to say to those suffering at the moment, hang in there. Hopefully time will make it better. For me, I ended up buying a portable speaker system that connects to my phone. I play sounds from an app (mynoise.net), that can help mask the sound at night to help me sleep, I no longer take pills. I go walking a lot at night, (even when it was -30), the fresh air does me a lot of good.

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