There aren't "stall". It is only a problem of money... if you watch on their homepage they have done more than 1000 steretassic treatments since 2013. The FUS treatments for tinnitus has benn started last year with an average success between 30% to 70% and they are waiting the follow up controls. The FUS (focused ultrasound) treatment give help a lot to suffers for certainly. I have no doubt of this. Specifically about Swiss they have treated 22 persons with a good rate of success and there are large possibilities that with the passing of the time, restabilization of abnormal brain waves give others benefit to suffers. Of course we are talking not of all tinnitus but only for tinnitus who have source/receive spots in the specific auditory cortex brodmann area 41,42,22. They don't do trial because they are a private structure and i can say for sure that they are most honest. For me, it is only an example, i haven't money for the treatment (1 to 3 treatments could be required to reach the terapeutic goal) they have proposed another not expensive but invasive treatment: the CLT (central lateral thalamotomy). the invasive thalamotomy is the same concept of non invasive thalamotomi (hifu). They will do a little cavity on my right side lobe and "send" always mri guided, a probe who burst the overactive medial thalamic cells. Of course there are more high risk of side effects, some could also be permanent and infact i'm doing all in my forces to go on the non invasive but the concept is the same. When i have posted the pdf document, i have done a "presentation".... stayng on topic, for a few type of tinnitus, some way for improvement are available. Unfortunately for us, the real problem is that the tinnitus is not considered a disease. I don't know if you understand what i want show. For example... if tinnitus was a "cancer", the world of research was in continuos evolutions.Why is it stalling?
I I know that there is no cure for cancer (and in fact is just one example), but one day there will be a cure (I hope). This will happen thanks to the mistakes made in the past with the wrong therapies. This thing does not happen for tinnitus because it is not considered a "black disease" and then we are in stall not with hifu but with all the reaserach about the tinnitus because is considered a simple symptom and many "doctors" speculate on it sending maskers or useless (is the my opinion based on experience) and expensive hearing aids. It is always the same topic... MONEY! We today "accuse" Jeanmonod of not offer a cure for free to the suffers, but it is a miracle that a sort of cure already exist! The real responsibles of this absurd situation are speculators such ATA or BTW and others who don't do exactly NOTHING! THEY ARE THE STALL! THEY DON'T DEDICATE 1 LINE ON THEIR WEBSITE TO THE RESEARCH ABOUT BRAIN! They raise fund for nothing by a lot of years. We can't "accuse" Jeanmonod. He have to pay taxes, Personnel, the structure.... he do a job and it's a job who really work for a lot of disease.
The culprit are others....
There are millions of other considerations that I wish I had the pleasure to share with you but unfortunately time is short and those sirens in the head prevents me to concentrate and write correctly. I apologize for that....but allow me for a moment being paranoid ....for some people it is convenient that there is no cure ...
Best wishes to all!