It was happen when i was a student 2008, my life before is study and home only. I focused my myself on study andb and start isolate myself from others, almost did for 3 years. Then i was on a duty on a provincial hospital, scheduled on graveyard shift. After the duty i could not fall sleep because my body did not react properly, and i was frustrated. Then my body went to fight or flight mood, and did not control myself and get angry with my co students. and mysleep problem got worst and it took to weeks before my body recovered from that situation. My sleep is back to normal but it happens only for almost 2 or 3 weeks. And i became depressed and coudn't sleep again. And it took almost a month before i went to a doctor. Almost a month i did get sleep. My doctor gave me a set of medicine anti depressant and tranquiliser. I take anti depressant for a week. Until now i take my medicine to sleep Almost 4 years. Until now i have my tinnitus and it worst now, before i take ginkgo but i think i did not help to relieve my tinitus. but still hoping that the Lord will cure me, because i believe that he is the great healer, our Jehovah Rapha.