Not contradictory at all. Yes, the study was planned to last 12 months. No one, not even I, can promise that other factors won't come into play and delay things, factors like a global pandemic!
Also, we typically don't start studies until they are funded. However, because so much of it had already come in, and to get that funding we had to start - we did. Are you upset that we started before we were fully funded?
Could it still take 12 months. Yes! May it get delayed? Yes. Because of COVID? Yes! Because of lack of funding? Yes. Because of another unknown factor? Yes!
To answer your question about funding being distinct. The simple answer is because while they are related, they are distinct. You can have hearing loss without tinnitus. Likewise, you can have tinnitus without hearing loss.
The biotech firm is still planning the phase II trials. We have not yet heard if they are doing hearing loss, cochlear implant trauma, ototoxicity, or some other condition. As soon as we hear, we will of course let you and others know.
Please keep in mind that scientific research is complex and changes. Things change. It is no one's fault, it is a fact of life.
I'm sure most people are reasonable and understand that and would much rather we share what information we have than to with-hold it.