The weirdest, most wonderful thing happened today. I listened to an old half hour TV show on YouTube with headphones. It was a BAD recording. Probably something from someone's VHS recorded over 3 times. Anyway, it was not like our digital stuff nowdays, it was unclear and had a LOT of hissy scratchy background noise. Oh, the most annoying part, it wasn't stereo, and it was audible only to my left ear, my bad ear. I had to concentrate to understand the words. It was worth it - it was a funny show. When it was done, I took the headphones off and my tinnitus was GONE !!!!!!!!!! For a few hours anyway. This is the first silence I've experienced in decades. It was wonderful - that old familiar stillness. I just smiled and smiled. So I'm going to gather up clips like this, and I'm going to experiment with stereo 'hissy' clips too. I suppose it's like masking AND the 'listening' excercise together. I'm not giving up yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try it!!