You are listening to your tinnitus? Interested in that sound? Oh, "great", your brain, knowing that you are interested in T sound will make it louder for you, to help you, since it sees you that you are so interested in it.
Did it ever happen to you, before T, to strain your ears in order to hear a certain sound (a conversation, a song, etc), tuning out other sounds? Did you notice that the brain helped you and you succeeded that? Same goes with tinnitus.
I am not scolding you, cause we all did that (permanently monitoring our T levels). It is such normal behavior, to be curious about the T sound. Is it still there? How loud is it right now?
What have you guys done that has been successful in stopping yourselves from listening to your tinnitus.
Time. At one point my desire to continue to live like before T was so strong, i got to miss my previous life, that i stopped checking the level. I stopped making T the central point of my life, i stopped living "around" my tinnitus, between two measurings.
Do not understand that at the beginning of my T i did not do the exact same as you do. But you know the saying : "smart people learn from their mistakes, but really smart people learn from OTHER'S people mistakes". Do that!
My tinnitus isn't that loud, but it is still very distressing as I can't stop listening to it or trying to search it out.
You have to literraly search for it sometimes in order to find it? Consider yourself lucky that you are in this category!
Ignore it and continue your life as of you do not have T, that's my advice
One more important thing: monitoring your T represents an obstacle in your habituation. Habituation is the second biggest desire of every tinnitus sufferer. (I saved the first place on the list of desires for "getting cured of it") Habituation is the natural adaptation of the brain to the T problem. Being bothered by T, seeing that there is no vital information in it, the brain starts to "ignore" the T sound, the same way it blocks out the sound of a wall clock after a while. Help your brain in achieving that, do not act against it.