It's nearly impossible in modern society.
I think it is to a large extent in dense urban areas, but a lot less so in the country.
Alue said:
That seems a little excessive to me unless you have severe hyperacusis.
I agree, and also think that a lot of stuff getting discussed here is very much getting into questions of autonomy and control. However, the psychology of tinnitus isn't "head stuff"; at least for me, tinnitus and all other conscious experience
is psychology, and psychology is a physical reality based on how synapses fire and wire. So, it's tricky... but while I think that what I'd describe as phonophobia is a lot less likely to be acutely damaging than going crazy with noise exposure, I also strongly believe that maladaptive thinking over a long period of time is not without its costs.
All that said, here's what works for me:
I live in the country, so no significant planes/sirens/etc. When I lived in the city, I would plug my ears when ambulances went right by me, but I only used earplugs outside if I was going to be walking right next to the highway. I never worried about noise from open windows; unless you're right by the street at street level it never seemed that loud.
I use Dubs 12db filters when driving for more than 20-30 minutes, mainly to cut out some of the engine/tire drone so that I can listen to music or podcasts without feeling like my ears are getting blasted. I also use them if I'm doing something like playing in a game tournament where there are lots of people in a tight indoor space. Basically, I try to use dubs any time noise is at a level where my hearing will seem "fuzzy" afterwards if I don't.
I use earplugs when I am vacuuming, operating cord-operated or pneumatic power tools, riding a motorcycle any distance, and while firing weapons. As a general rule I don't shoot anything larger than .22cal anymore. (I'll probably get some silencers in 9mm and 12g over the next couple years, but that stuff is expensive and I just bought a house -- for now I will live with hunting small game @ .22cal, and trying to get decent with a compound bow for bigger stuff).
I'll probably use dubs filters while splitting wood, but I want to actually check that out with a db meter to see if it's even a concern.