How Is Vibration from Driving and Walking etc. Making My Tinnitus Almost Permanently Worse?


Nov 6, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
loud clubs initially, now louder due to noise & vibrations.
It seems that whatever job I take, after time my tinnitus is made worse by what I do, I drive at the moment and have been putting up with the progressively worsening tinnitus in one ear caused by the vibrations and a new hum has started in my other ear and is getting worse after every shift.

How the hell is vibration causing my tinnitus to get worse like this? I even had to quit a job which required me having to wear steel toe cap boots as the shock to the heels from walking in them was making my tinnitus worse.

And I had to quite another job that required me to drive a fork lift as that made it worse as well.

The new sounds have not gone away and I am not sure if it is permanent as I can't take more than a week off from work at a time and from my experience it will take months for this to settle down but I believe that my ears are getting ruined and I don't know why.
Consider going back to school (giving you time to recover) and enabling you to have an office job... If you can't do that, you could at least wear ear plugs in your car. I do that now, and it seems to be a safe thing to do (as I can still hear the signals made by other cars and other things that one needs to hear in order to be safe on the road).
God, I'd hate a desk job but I have not got much choice, tinnitus has truly robbed me my life.

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