There is literally no clinical evidence whatsoever that Trobalt is a safe or effective treatment for tinnitus. There are a handful of anecdotes from the internet based on a single clinical study in rats (which was not even trying to address the impact of the drug on chronic tinnitus).
If doctors were in general more willing to throw extremely dangerous drugs at people based on random posts from internet forums, I think the world would be more scary, not less scary.
It's an extremely low-market-penetration drug, because it's extremely dangerous, and hasn't proven to be very effective for the exact conditions it's approved to treat (treatment resistant partial-onset seizures). My experience was that it was pretty easy to get in the US, but that's because doctors here are, in general, drug happy.
Personally, I very quickly found the side effects worse than the tinnitus. I believe people should be able to try this stuff if they want to, because I'm essentially a libertarian when it comes to drug policy, but we absolutely need to stop the "trobalt cures tinnitus!" meme that seems to keep popping up here, because it's not true.
You may be right in everything you said but please don't forget the seriousness of this condition for others.
If you were as desperate as this poor man was would you say: no thanks, Trobalt is too dangerous! Now I'm off to myself!
No one here is saying Trobalt is a cure, but at the same time we can not ignore the results from others who tried it.
So all I'm saying when a poor soul gets pushed against the wall and there is nowhere to go why not try Trobalt? Why not have it available? Why not have it further tested? Changed, modified?
But even as is it can't be worse than how this poor man ended