So I wear ear plugs pretty much from the second I wake up until I crawl back into bed. I have a particularly loud family and we're all very close and talk constantly, but while my earplugs help block out their voices, my own voice is booming so loud it's driving my tinnitus crazy and killing my hyperacusis. I can't lower my voice and talk quieter because both my parents, bless their hearts, had lots of fun partying growing up and sadly now have less than perfect hearing... okay they're going to need hearing aids in the near future.
I'm kinda in a lose-lose here. I have to have earplugs in to block my family's loud voices, but doing so gives me the booming voice that hurts me anyways. Do any of you know how to combat this? I can't really wear ear muffs, I don't know how well they work for this anyways. They're a last resort for me because the pressure around my ears hurts so bad and drives my tinnitus through the roof I might as well wear nothing. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I'm kinda in a lose-lose here. I have to have earplugs in to block my family's loud voices, but doing so gives me the booming voice that hurts me anyways. Do any of you know how to combat this? I can't really wear ear muffs, I don't know how well they work for this anyways. They're a last resort for me because the pressure around my ears hurts so bad and drives my tinnitus through the roof I might as well wear nothing. Any suggestions are appreciated.