Ok. Ok. I got this horrible tinnitus 3 months ago from an ear infection, however at first it was in one ear and I was managing it better, the volumed lowered....However fast forward now, it's roaring like hell, the other ear now has tinnitus, even though there is no damage in that one...It's really loud in both ears now, to the point where I can hear it over everything...If I put my hands over my ears, it sounds so loud, that even the most tolerable person would go crazy...I still am trying to fight, trying to block it out, but I'm suffering so much, that I don't know how much more I can take? To go to sleep, I need tablets, if I don't, well I won't get any sleep whatsoever and even though the tablets knock me out, I still wake up only a few hours later as the tinnitus is so loud. I honestly don't know how much more I can take of this? I have tried killing myself, by hanging, but I chicken out and by trying to drown myself in the bath, also didn't work. I'm scared because the UK won't let me die, but I am suffering to the point where it's not manageable anymore. I really don't want to die, seriously, I don't...But I just can't cope, I really can't. It's far, far too loud....So loud that I just can't stop thinking of death. I wake up, I'm trying to kill myself, I go to sleep, I try to kill myself. I want this to end so much...I want the suffering to stop. I've tried to seek help NHS just tell me to call the BTA and all they do is nothing...My doctor won't help and nobody is taking me seriously. I also have Hyperacusis which makes the tinnitus go crazy, so can't mask it with a fan or anything. How can I go on, how can I cope? Seriously?