For @Kelvin
Also for @RichieGenero
** How to cure Bruxism.
Bruxism results from stress held in the mouth.
It is a fighting response to tension and anxiety.
It feeds both of these aspects.
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that relaxation of mind and body is not possible with that response.
So you have to address this sooner or later.
It is relatively easy to correct this problem, however.
Given that we have Tinnitus, relaxation and meditation are still possible.
** How to approach deep relaxation.
Sit quietly in your chair,
Assume the demeanour of a baby.
With your lips closed, allow your jaw to hang comfortably loose, your teeth apart.
Breath through the nose.
Allow the inside of your mouth to relax and go quite quite soft.
Allow your throat to soften.
Become aware that your tongue is now floating in water.
Just continue with your gentle breathing.
Rest easily with your soft mouth and hanging jaw.
Practice this several times a day, to undo your former habit of teeth grinding.
*(As a habit for life, try to become aware of where your tongue is - it should always be floating gently in water, never pushed up against the roof of your mouth.
Check on your tongue, to start with, several times a day.
Become a 'Soft Mouth - Jaw Hanger.'
It will very soon become a habit, so much so that you will not clench your teeth even when sleeping!
Teeth should close only when eating!)
I had TMJ for years, until I saw an amazing psychotherapist who taught me to be a
"SM-JH" in just one session.
I stayed with her for a couple of years to learn meditation also. (Some more tricks.)
I promise you, I have not 'shut my gob' once in 26 years!
( that didn't surprise you....?)
Dave x
Also for @RichieGenero
** How to cure Bruxism.
Bruxism results from stress held in the mouth.
It is a fighting response to tension and anxiety.
It feeds both of these aspects.
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that relaxation of mind and body is not possible with that response.
So you have to address this sooner or later.
It is relatively easy to correct this problem, however.
Given that we have Tinnitus, relaxation and meditation are still possible.
** How to approach deep relaxation.
Sit quietly in your chair,
Assume the demeanour of a baby.
With your lips closed, allow your jaw to hang comfortably loose, your teeth apart.
Breath through the nose.
Allow the inside of your mouth to relax and go quite quite soft.
Allow your throat to soften.
Become aware that your tongue is now floating in water.
Just continue with your gentle breathing.
Rest easily with your soft mouth and hanging jaw.
Practice this several times a day, to undo your former habit of teeth grinding.
*(As a habit for life, try to become aware of where your tongue is - it should always be floating gently in water, never pushed up against the roof of your mouth.
Check on your tongue, to start with, several times a day.
Become a 'Soft Mouth - Jaw Hanger.'
It will very soon become a habit, so much so that you will not clench your teeth even when sleeping!
Teeth should close only when eating!)
I had TMJ for years, until I saw an amazing psychotherapist who taught me to be a
"SM-JH" in just one session.
I stayed with her for a couple of years to learn meditation also. (Some more tricks.)
I promise you, I have not 'shut my gob' once in 26 years!
( that didn't surprise you....?)
Dave x
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