How to Identify the Type of Tinnitus? Do I Have Somatic Tinnitus?


Dec 16, 2019
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I'm asking for advice on symptoms that may indicate the type of tinnitus I am experiencing.

Pretty much continuously the sound I hear (one ear) is similar (but lower) to the "background sound" you hear while flying when most passengers/crew are not making additional noise. Sometimes the sound is so low it is barely perceptible.

While driving I get a louder buzzing in the ear - more like a vibration. Sitting at a stop light the buzzing disappears. I also get a buzzing sensation in the effected ear when I talk.

Loud noises cause more of a ringing.

I should also point out that about 1 -3 weeks prior to onset, I could not clear the sinus of the effected ear. And just prior to the onset of tinnitus, I had a bout of BPPV that has since been resolved.

My gut tells me I probably have somatic tinnitus but would value additional opinions. After 2 visits, the ENT kind of shrugged his shoulders, and since my outpatients benefits are exhausted for 2019, I'm waiting for my new benefit year starting January to avoid paying another ENT full price to watch them shrug their shoulders as well.

An earplug elimates the buzzing while driving (but not while talking) and also eliminates the ringing associated with loud noises - thanks again
I had a low vibrating buzzing hum in 2016/2017 for 1-2 weeks and now in 2019 for around 3 weeks. It stopped for 2x1,5 day. When I talked and when I put earplugs in, it completely stopped. I also had vibration and I felt that something (maybe the tensor tympani muscle in my ear) was overfunctioning. I have zero clue what caused it, because ENTs were of no help, MRI showed nothing, but right now I can tell you that it completely stopped, absolutely gone.

I know at least one other sufferer, @Optigirl19 , who has had bouts of tinnitus with similar kinds of sound and hers is gone as well after having it for a month. I'm not saying that it will definitely vanish for you, but it can happen. Before it stopped, for me for a couple of days it resembled pulsatile tinnitus.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Your story is encouraging but I'll stay cautiously optimistic - hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Thanks again.

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