How to Pop Ears Properly to Relieve Blocked Eustachian Tubes?


Nov 13, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hey folks, just joined up now, looking for some info regarding what I think is blocked eustachian tubes causing my tinnitus.

The question is how do I really know for sure whether I have popped my ears?

I've done the pinch nose and exhale way, also tried the Eustachi air pump and the Otovent, each method I'm hearing what sounds like if you were to crumple up a plastic tarp or bag, no audible "pop".

There is also no sign of fluid draining into the throat.

Also, when using the Eustachi pump, I build up pressure for several seconds and then swallow, the air doesn't go anywhere as I would expect if the tubes were flowing leading me to believe they really are still clogged.

What exactly should I be hearing when I pop my ears?

Valsalva Maneuver is dangerous. I might have given tinnitus to myself by using it. Often the full ear sensation is just a sign that you hurt your ears. If that's your case, there is nothing you can do to stop having this sensation (except give it time, as in 3-12 months) to go away on its own.
Hi @Hell'sBells,

What you should be hearing, is exactly that - a pretty normal pop noise.

However, if you have ETD and there is inflammation lining your ET, even if you 'pop' your ear (I do 2-7 times a day, many times involuntarily, without changing altitude), the ETD will almost immediately cause another imbalance of pressure in your middle ear cavity - leading to mild / moderate ear pain, possible temporary hearing loss, crackling and tinnitus; over and over.

(The crackle you can hear, I'm pretty sure is the eardrum - can you crackle it at will?)
Thanks for the replies, the crumpling plastic bag sound I'm hearing also goes along with an expansion feeling which I was also thinking is the ear drum expanding under pressure.

I've had really bad tinnitus for 19 years, gave up trying to find a cure because of loud noise and chemotherapy being the probable causes.

But, I've always had inner ear problems too, I just developed a really heaviness and fluid feeling along with hearing my heartbeat in my right ear.

Maybe the tinnitus will stop if the real root cause was the Eustachian tubes being plugged for all these years?

Yes I can crackle my ears every time I pressurize them, I always get an expansion feeling at the drums area, never a true pop or any sensation of flow or pressure relief, the pressure just builds and stops of coarse when I release it.

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