Hyperacusis — Anyone Has It Only in One Ear? Triggered by Vibrations?


Apr 14, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Flying then Sport (Probs)
Hello everyone,

Just wondering if anyone else has hyperacusis (sensitivity to loud noises) only in one ear and it is actually triggered by vibrations such as a diesel car/train in the low gear, etc, etc? Hyperacusis goes away after I have rested and the vibrations have gone.

FYI in this ear I also have pulsilate tinnitus

Have a lovely evening :)
When my H first started it was only in my right ear but gradually moved to the left too. From my understanding it is very rare to only have it in one ear.
@lapidus thanks for your reply. Yes I have had PT for about a year but all of it including hypercusis is in the right ear. Was your hyperacusis also triggered by vibrations with no sounds?
I had painful sensitivity to sound in just one ear for years before it exploded into full-blown ringing T (in the same ear). I hesitate to call it hyperacusis as I haven't received an official diagnosis yet (now pending), but slightly-higher-than-usual noises, like doors slamming at work or dishes clinking, would (and still do) cause pain in that one ear. Not in the other.

Only within the past 6 months did I start developing a general hyperacusis-like effect in both ears, with the world turned up to 11, and only a few weeks ago did that pain trigger constant ringing in one ear as well, exacerbated by an infection. It's a weird interconnected system and I'm still figuring out what my triggers are & how to avoid them without increasing my sensitivity.
Not yet. I live in America so I haven't had consistent health care coverage for some time. Until the T began I was using earplugs to protect my hearing in one ear, and enduring occasional spells of increased "fullness" and sensitivity (the latter symptoms would come and go). The urgent care doctor who examined me a few weeks ago opined that it's not probably not pulsatile T, as it's a continuous tone with no rushing or pulsing quality related to my heart rhythm, and no changing quality when my pulse increases or blood rushes to my head. But I'm eager to see an ENT, who might have a more considered opinion to give me, and who I'm sure will discuss treatment options.
My Pulsilate Tinnitus Stopped
  • Lose as much bodyfat/weight as is safe for your health
  • Cut sodium intake to the minimum
That's how I reduced my pulsilate tinnitus by at least 99%.
Any time I allow my weight and/or sodium intake to creep up, I can hear it, loudly

Best of luck to everyone.

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