Good morning! I would like to tap your collective wisdom today about ear pressure and hearing aids.
I have bilateral hearing loss. I have tinnitus, not normally bothersome (though all this testing is making me aware of it).
For about 1 1/2 years (see my introductory thread) I've had hyperacusis in my left ear, which manifests as uncomfortable pressure at low or any sound volume. I wear an earplug in that ear a lot.
It complicates finding a hearing device quite a bit. I'd like to know if you've found good solutions for your hearing that don't aggravate your acusis, or what compromises you've had to make.
They are trying me with a CROS device, effectively deadening my left ear and sending it to the right, but I don't like the unilateral hearing and it's still over-amplified even at low volume. I question whether I'll get enough benefit to justify the cost. Right now I'm trying a Signia device; I'm also going to try a Starkey. These feel like they're putting electrodes in my ears, the energy input is that strong and direct.
What else should I be trying? Would I be better off amplifying just one ear? What about those OTC devices that will be coming next year? Ultimately, would a simpler, cheaper device do 90% of what I need at 30% of the cost?
I'm looking forward to your advice.
I have bilateral hearing loss. I have tinnitus, not normally bothersome (though all this testing is making me aware of it).
For about 1 1/2 years (see my introductory thread) I've had hyperacusis in my left ear, which manifests as uncomfortable pressure at low or any sound volume. I wear an earplug in that ear a lot.
It complicates finding a hearing device quite a bit. I'd like to know if you've found good solutions for your hearing that don't aggravate your acusis, or what compromises you've had to make.
They are trying me with a CROS device, effectively deadening my left ear and sending it to the right, but I don't like the unilateral hearing and it's still over-amplified even at low volume. I question whether I'll get enough benefit to justify the cost. Right now I'm trying a Signia device; I'm also going to try a Starkey. These feel like they're putting electrodes in my ears, the energy input is that strong and direct.
What else should I be trying? Would I be better off amplifying just one ear? What about those OTC devices that will be coming next year? Ultimately, would a simpler, cheaper device do 90% of what I need at 30% of the cost?
I'm looking forward to your advice.