Hyperacusis, Eye Watering, Migraines, Vomiting — Only Triggered by Certain High Frequencies

Brandon Williams

Oct 18, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Forklift accident
Hey what's up guys. This is pretty much like my 1st or 2nd post here on Tinnitus Talk. It's been a while. Happy Holidays!

I had a little bit of a migraine yesterday and that inspired me to check back with this website because my hyperacusis seems to come in waves. I was listening to music two nights ago (no headphones ) on VERY low volume through my computer. My thing is, I'm pretty sure my hyperacusis is only triggered by "specific," high pitched frequencies. Think of two metal forks clinging together. Those harsh frequencies! Although the music was on low volume, my favorite vocalist has a high pitched voice that cuts through the speakers nicely (at least it used to sound pleasant to me). I was listening to him for probably only twenty minutes.

This can sometime leads to sensitive hearing for the rest of the day or even the next. A couple times in the past I have even experienced migraines, watery eyes (plus wanting to cry on the inside), and vomiting. I don't think I would have these symptoms If I were sensitive to lower frequencies. Thoughts?

I'm taking a break from audio today and plan on having a quiet Thanksgiving alone in the house. However, if the house is too quiet, I sometimes hyperfocus on say, the sound of my laptop running which can trigger it if I don't have anything playing in the background. This has has happened in the past

Does anyone else having anything similar!? Thank you!
I have had the gagging sensation induced from noise exposure irritation. Also, I just made a post a few days ago about how noise exposure irritation increases my balance issues. Mine isn't triggered by every sound either. Usually it's higher pitched stuff as you say. I had gotten a lot better where these things were happening considerably less. Recently had a setback and the balance symptoms have come on strong. The gagging thing doesn't happen anymore. It was only during a certain period, but was definitely related to noise exposures.
Hey @Brandon Williams,

Sorry to hear about your hyperacusis, it can be very hard to deal with.

I'm just curious; how would you describe your hyperacusis? Is there like a stabbing/lingering pain, or is it increased perceived volume of a set of frequencies?
"Increased perceived volume of a set of frequncies," describes it pretty accurately. I always complain that the T.V. is too loud and sometimes when people are talking to me, my inner right ear will flutter. Bad quality speakers such as phones and laptops (since they have those "harsh" and "high" frequencies) will often trigger my hyperacusis which will lead to a migraine. It's more like a tiny needle lingering in right ear once it's triggered combined with the migraine.

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