Markku, I have had my 6th treatment of HBOT today, I have to be honest I haven't felt my tinnitus change in pitch or get any lower, it's the same??? The only thing I am experiencing is my ears are popping a lot, they get really tight to the point I have to swallow to reset them, do you have any idea why?? Or maybe what this symptom is...
Possible complications and concerns
There are risks associated with HBOT, similar to some diving disorders. Pressure changes can cause a "squeeze" or
barotrauma in the tissues surrounding trapped air inside the body, such as the
[67] behind the
[68][69] inside
paranasal sinuses,
[68] or trapped underneath
dental fillings.
[70] Breathing high-pressure oxygen may cause
oxygen toxicity.
[71] Temporarily blurred vision can be caused by swelling of the
lens, which usually resolves in two to four weeks.
There are reports that cataract may progress following HBOT.
[74] Also a rare side effect has been blindness secondary to optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve).[
citation needed]
Effects of Pressure
Patients inside the chamber may notice discomfort inside their ears as a pressure difference develops between their middle ear and the chamber atmosphere.[75] This can be relieved by the Valsalva maneuver or by "jaw wiggling". As the pressure increases further,
mist may form in the air inside the chamber and the air may become warm. Increased pressure may also cause ear drums to rupture, resulting in severe pain.
To reduce the pressure, a valve is opened to allow air out of the chamber. As the pressure falls, the patient's ears may "squeak" as the pressure inside the ear equalizes with the chamber. The temperature in the chamber will fall. The speed of pressurization and de-pressurization can be adjusted to each patient's needs.
And hmm... I hope HBOT will help you, you do have some sessions still left
I think you have a good attitude though, you know that it might not help but you are giving it a go nevertheless. I probably should have done it too (even with the high cost), but now it's too late.
The following is a discussion about HBO sourced from a Finnish bulletin board:
Sain äkillisen melualtistuksen vuoksi( viallinen varashälytin kerrostalomme vinttitiloissa) pahan tinnituksen. Kuulin ylipainehappi hoidosta vasta 3 viikon kuluttua onnettomuudesta, itse hoito alkoi n. neljän viikon päästä onnettomuudesta. Tinnitus hiljeni lähes kuulumattomiin, yliherkkyys korkeille äänille parani eli auttoi huomattavasti. Jos olet hiljattain saanut melualtistuksen vuoksi tinnituksen, toimi mahd.nopeasti, hoito toimii sitä paremmin mitä vähemmän aikaa onnettomuudesta on kulunut.
In English... "I was exposed to sudden loud noise (faulty burglar alarm in your apartment's attic) and got tinnitus because of that. I heard about HBO only 3 weeks after I got tinnitus, the treatment itself started within 4 weeks from the onset of tinnitus. Tinnitus quieted down to almost zero, hyperacusis was cured, so the treatment helped a lot. If you have recently been exposed to loud noise and got tinnitus because of that, act as fast as possibly, since the treatment works the better the less time it has been since the trauma."
Another one in the same discussion...
Ei auttanut minulla
Itselläni on ollut tinnitus vuodesta 2000. Olin jo oppinut elämään sen kanssa ihan hyvin, mutta uusi melualtistus (sinfoniaorkesterin konsertti) viime keväänä pahensi tilanteen. Tinnitus koveni ja lueskelin netistä tuosta happihoidosta ja kävijöiden kokemuksista. Osa oli saanut jonkinlaista apua, osa ei ollenkaan. Päätin sijoittaa 800 euroa ja kokeilla viiden kerran hoitosarjaa varmuuden vuoksi. Valitettavasti nollatuloksella. En saanut hoidosta siis minkäänlaista apua, en tinnitusääniin enkä ääniyliherkkyyteen, vaikka uudesta melualtistuksesta oli kulunut vain kolme viikkoa hoidon alkaessa. Tietysti tinnitustapaukset ovat yksilöllisiä ja joku voi hyvinkin saada apua happihoidosta. Kuten ketjun aloittaja. En halua siksi kyseistä hoitoa lytätä.
In English... "Didn't help me. I have had tinnitus since the year of 2000. I had already learned to live with it well, but new noise exposure (symphony orchestra) caused it to become worse. Tinnitus became louder and I read on the Internet about the HBO and experiences of those who've undergone the treatment. Some had got a bit of help, some nothing at all. I decided to invest 800€ and tried five sessions of HBO treatment just in case. Unfortunately without results. I didn't get any benefit from the treatment, not for tinnitus nor the hyperacusis, even though the new noise exposure had been only three weeks ago when starting the treatment. Of course tinnitus cases are different and somebody can very well be helped with HBO. Just like the original poster. That's the reason I don't want to call this treatment snake oil."
Best of luck!