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Hypersensitive Ears and Multiple Tones — Awful Times


Jul 9, 2022
I miss LA
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Zoloft, Anxiety, EARBUDS.
Hello everyone - I'm Max. I changed my screen name and will have to re-post intro and comments I put up yesterday.

I live in Los Angeles, 40 years old, and had this occur early June very likely from extreme stress.

My ears have multiple noises/frequencies 24/7. About a week after super sensitive hearing started which is the worst part... ears crack at nearly every sound and a static/shooting high pitch like trying to tune a radio kicks in.

I have an ENT appt. in early August. In the meantime, I left my job due to lack of sleep and now the noise intolerance. Like many stories, I find this wears you down fast and suicide becomes a recurring thought. I live alone and this has been terrifying.

Trying to readjust my ears slowly... Can sensitive ears be calmed or is damage permanent? I dread what the ENT will tell me and if I'll be in worse shape by that time.

Finding this forum and reading your posts has been amazing. Thank you all for sharing!

Any thoughts or advice is very welcome!
My ears have multiple noises/frequencies 24/7. About a week after super sensitive hearing started which is the worst part... ears crack at nearly every sound and a static/shooting high pitch like trying to tune a radio kicks in.
Hi MaxRabbit,

Stress can cause the onset of tinnitus but if your ears are oversensitive to sound, or you are experiencing pain in your ears when exposed to certain sounds, this could be hyperacusis. If this is the case, these symptoms are usually caused by exposure to loud noise and not stress.

If you have been regularly listening to audio through headphones, earbuds, headsets or bone conduction headphones, then you could have noise induced tinnitus with hyperacusis. If you listen to loud music through speakers, or go to places where loud music is played, this can cause it too. The wearing of earplugs is no guarantee you will be protected from loud noise exposure.

Please click on the link below and read my post: New to Tinnitus, What to Do?

Go to my started threads and read: Tinnitus, A Personal View, The Habituation Process, How to Habituate to Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, As I See It.

I advise you not to use any type of headphones even at low volume.

All the best,

New to Tinnitus, What to Do? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
Hi Michael. I have no clue what is going on but I do know I was under extreme stress, still under it with the ringing and I think that's why I'm in a downward spiral. I don't have support and going through this alone compounds the symptoms of whatever the root cause is. Thank you for giving me advice! It helps to not feel totally by myself in this.
Thank you for giving me advice! It helps to not feel totally by myself in this.
You are welcome Max.

The early stages of tinnitus can be difficult to cope with. If you are able to print my articles, please do so and refer to them often. This way you will absorb, understand and retrain the information better rather than reading on your phone or computer screen.

If the tinnitus isn't caused by stress and there is no underlying medical problem within your auditory system causing it, then you probably have noise induced tinnitus which is what I suspect. This is one of the most common causes of tinnitus and usually improves with time. Please remember not to use headphones, earbuds or headsets even at low volume.

Use low level sound enrichment during the day and especially at night, as mentioned in my post: New to Tinnitus, What to Do?

Take care,
Thank you for the flow chart. Unusual avatar!

I'm certain it was stress. I could feel it happening at the first occurrence under extreme anxiety. I became sound sensitive at the next high stress moment I hit. I'm a super anxious/stress type.
Thank you for the flow chart. Unusual avatar!

I'm certain it was stress. I could feel it happening at the first occurrence under extreme anxiety. I became sound sensitive at the next high stress moment I hit. I'm a super anxious/stress type.
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by extreme anxiety/panic attack. I was having anxiety attacks for like 2-4 weeks and then had 2 panic attacks where I thought I was dying, then I heard the noise. I went to the ER because of both the ringing and the panic attack so not exactly sure which came first that day, but it was pretty much at the same time. So I totally believe tinnitus can be triggered by stress, anxiety, etc.
Hi Sam! Yes, I read a few articles about this in particular. One was specific to women with high stress psychological issues as the cause of the tinnitus. Really awful stuff - just hope it's not permanent. How is your recovery? I commented on your post about Vitamin D. Hope you are getting some relief!
* I'm alone in this and looking for help. I am one month in, terrified and do not have friends and family to surround myself with. I know a lot of you have this support in place but still say you are devastated by this condition. I have 24/7 noise in my head and due to sleep and noise induced ringing - I had to leave my job. This was brought on by heavy stress and insomnia after my 10 year relationship ended. Everything stacked up on me and in the end my ears were left ringing with frequent tones and rings. Utterly down and lost to this right now. How do you guys cope when this first occurs?

Thank you for any advice, tips and kind words!
I also experienced extreme stress and anxiety from work for months just prior to my onset, so I think stress/anxiety was a huge factor like your situations, @MaxRabbit and @SamRosemary. And, more along @Michael Leigh's point, I do also have mild/moderate hearing loss and I have been using earbuds for work for the last couple of years. So I think in my case, it's the combination of it all.
Yes. I was a regular earbud user. ALL my time on my computer was with earbuds. I always had sensitive ears in a way, looking back but over the last year or so it was getting more noticeable. Just wish the high pitch squeals from noise would stop. The other stable sounds I could manage with, I think. I'm exhausted and no idea how to cope.
For me, a few things helped me in measurable ways.

One is to get anti-depression/anti-anxiety meds prescibed by a doctor to stabilize my anxiety and mood.

Another was to get therapy; I chose group therapy that teaches CBT.

A third is I figured out how to get good sleep.

And the fourth is patience and time--time to heal, time to understand the patterns, time to habituate.
Don't expect too much from your ENT appointment. They are usually disappointingly clueless about tinnitus. You'll learn far more on this forum than from any ENT.

I too have multiple tones, everything from 75 Hz to 9600 Hz. It is possible to habituate to multiple tones where you stop analysing them and just accept them as part of your "new normal".

Hyperacusis can settle down over time too. It's taken 3 years for me to be able to leave the house without earplugs. Just be patient, avoid loud sounds where possible and only protect with earplugs when you have to.
* I'm alone in this and looking for help. I am one month in, terrified and do not have friends and family to surround myself with. I know a lot of you have this support in place but still say you are devastated by this condition. I have 24/7 noise in my head and due to sleep and noise induced ringing - I had to leave my job. This was brought on by heavy stress and insomnia after my 10 year relationship ended. Everything stacked up on me and in the end my ears were left ringing with frequent tones and rings. Utterly down and lost to this right now. How do you guys cope when this first occurs?

Thank you for any advice, tips and kind words!
Hey, I just replied to you on my post about the vitamin D, but wanted to reply here aswell.

I also have multiple tones and sounds in both ears. Sometimes left, right, middle, both. It's all over. High pitched and low pitched E and Morse code. So I understand that aspect. It's very scary and super hard to get used to. I'm almost 10 weeks in now and the noises have changed a few times and I feel like that's set me back, but I'm emotionally better now then the first couple weeks. Distraction is the main thing. Even when you don't feel like you can do anything try to at least go for a walk. Nature and the outdoors always helps.

Has your doctor prescribed medication? And how's your sleep?

I'm managing on 2.5 mg Melatonin and take Magnesium at bedtime for sleep and have been able to sleep well since. I bought a $20 sound generator off Amazon and the cricket sounds seem to help. The fan helps sometimes. It's weird because sometimes external sound helps and sometimes it makes it worse.

Have you had a hearing test?

I did and my hearing fine so that didn't help and ENT was unable to help me as it seems hearing and ears are all good. But your case could be different and there could be a hearing or ear issue that can be diagnosed and treated.
Hi Sam,

Thank you for that. :( It's hard seeing another person going through this... takes a lot to share all of that.

I read the Vit D reply from you. I wonder what your level was and is now. Years ago I found out I was low was a 10, and should be like 50. Taken Vit D since...

I have yet to see a doctor. The ENTs were booked! Lots of COVID-19 patients making it hard. So no meds or anything. I feel like I have some hearing loss in the right ear for sure. Wouldn't be surprised to find out. Just hope I'm not going deaf but the sound sensitivity is the hard and scary part. My ears go nuts now with casual sounds. Been staying and trying to calm them down.

Sleep is tough but a little better depending, of course, on panic/stress/anxiety. I know drink holy basil tea to settle and take Benadryl. I only take half a pill but it helps settle me enough. Sometimes I wake up with ring that's only there after sleep. They so far go away once I get active. Scary.

Same here! I used to always have a small fan by my bed. For years, it lulled me to sleep. Now, it kicks up the high pitch sound sensitive ring. I have been using YouTube rain or pink noise to sleep but it kicks it up to some nights.

I take Vit D, Fish oil, Zinc, ALA and B12. Maybe need Magnesium from what I'm reading. I bought Lion's Mane pills but not taken yet as I have read both good and bad (spikes!) from users. I take garlic and ACV too.

Glad to have met you here! I hope you are able to enjoy time with your kid and loved ones! I truly wish everyone a full recovery!
You are not alone. 1 month is nothing. It will get better at the 1 year mark and again at the 2 year mark.

Stress induced tinnitus has the best prognosis, so be patient and stay the course.

P.S. needless to say, do not get emotionally attached to anybody in the future. Emotions are our worst enemy.
It's extreme sound sensitivity and I have separate noises at various levels.

Emotions are great and amazing, devastating and humbling. They need balance, not elimination.
Sorry to hear about all of this.

Other comments about tinnitus not being connected to stress are completely false. There are many reports of it being directly correlated and it happened to me - I had panic attacks and extreme anxiety after a recent brain surgery and it set off my tinnitus. It was awful and terrifying at first; a three tone hum, ringing and industrial noise of some kind. It's far less bad now (just the humming and a mid-tone whistle that comes and goes), but I'm confident that headphones and music may be a thing of my past rather than a thing of my future.

My ENT doctor also associated it with stress and asked me to calm down, prescribing Xanax, which is instant and very short-term relief. My neurologist was far more sensible and put me on antidepressants, which really levelled me out and made life much easier.

If your ENT doctor does a shoulder shrug of some kind (this does sometimes happen, as tinnitus is not something that can often be seen), make sure you get the proper medical help. Antidepressants aren't a lifelong solution and may not stop your tinnitus, but they will give you the headspace to really understand the position you're in and may help somewhat.

Take care, seek and accept help and make sure you understand that extreme anxiety is not normal and is not ok.

I'm also in agreement with some comments above - therapy and/or counselling can really help with all of this. In the meantime, just feel what you're feeling, don't try to escape it and get the meds you need.

James xx
Hi Sam,

Thank you for that. :( It's hard seeing another person going through this... takes a lot to share all of that.

I read the Vit D reply from you. I wonder what your level was and is now. Years ago I found out I was low was a 10, and should be like 50. Taken Vit D since...

I have yet to see a doctor. The ENTs were booked! Lots of COVID-19 patients making it hard. So no meds or anything. I feel like I have some hearing loss in the right ear for sure. Wouldn't be surprised to find out. Just hope I'm not going deaf but the sound sensitivity is the hard and scary part. My ears go nuts now with casual sounds. Been staying and trying to calm them down.

Sleep is tough but a little better depending, of course, on panic/stress/anxiety. I know drink holy basil tea to settle and take Benadryl. I only take half a pill but it helps settle me enough. Sometimes I wake up with ring that's only there after sleep. They so far go away once I get active. Scary.

Same here! I used to always have a small fan by my bed. For years, it lulled me to sleep. Now, it kicks up the high pitch sound sensitive ring. I have been using YouTube rain or pink noise to sleep but it kicks it up to some nights.

I take Vit D, Fish oil, Zinc, ALA and B12. Maybe need Magnesium from what I'm reading. I bought Lion's Mane pills but not taken yet as I have read both good and bad (spikes!) from users. I take garlic and ACV too.

Glad to have met you here! I hope you are able to enjoy time with your kid and loved ones! I truly wish everyone a full recovery!

Hey! Hope you had a good weekend :)
I'm not sure about the levels, but we were just coming out of winter and where I live, in winter many people spend a lot of time indoors. So I think the vitamin D deficiency is related to that.

Where do you live? I had to wait a month to see the ENT too, but in Canada the wait usually longer - especially now with COVID-19. So I had to go through the ER to get an emergency referral. The ENT gave me a different referral for an advanced hearing test at the hospital. That won't be for months still. But I did go to an audiologist for a hearing test. It was free as I went to a place that test hearing for hearing aids. Might be an option where you are. Also, I got a Groupon for acupuncture which includes X-ray that I'm going to try out to see jaw and neck. Have you had your ears looked at inside to check for redness or infection? Could have that done by any doctor before the ENT. And family doctor could help with any required meds in the meantime.

Have you tried Melatonin? I take a super small dose and since then I sleep perfectly through the night. I've heard really good things about the Magnesium. Not sure if it helps but haven't don't any harm.

Oh, and I been doing just a daily saline rinse just in case it's sinus related.

As of the last week I do think it's lower again. Or I'm managing overall better. As everyone says, it just takes time. I'm learning how not to emotionally respond to the noise, I think once we can master that our brains won't focus on it and it should fade. Meditation helps too. Positive words of affirmation spoken out loud too. At the start I was in a very dark place (wrote the S note and everything) so even if I seem okay now I wasn't, but as time goes it gets better.
Hi Sam. Thank you for the reply, I'll respond when I get my head a bit on. Was a lousy weekend as right now life is standing still at my lowest point. Ugh. Too depressed to write now but read every word you wrote. :huganimation:

Glad are finding your routine and how to manage it all. That you sleep well is so great to hear. That allows mental and physical resets and healing to occur. I hope people tell you how hard it is alone getting through each day but that you have kid to care for too is a lot of credit to you!!

Be well and enjoy your wonderful sleep!
Hi Sam. Thank you for the reply, I'll respond when I get my head a bit on. Was a lousy weekend as right now life is standing still at my lowest point. Ugh. Too depressed to write now but read every word you wrote. :huganimation:

Glad are finding your routine and how to manage it all. That you sleep well is so great to hear. That allows mental and physical resets and healing to occur. I hope people tell you how hard it is alone getting through each day but that you have kid to care for too is a lot of credit to you!!

Be well and enjoy your wonderful sleep!
Yes of course! Take your time and respond when you're feeling up to it. I'm around often enough lurking lol.

Honestly, caring for him is what has been keeping me going, so I don't look at it as making things more difficult. I'm lucky though he's super smart, caring, and understanding so he makes it easy. Of course there's still challenges and harder times tho.

Hope your days are going better than your weekend. ❤️
Hi Max and Sam,

I am sorry for what happened to you. I also have the feeling that Melatonin (I took 5-10 mg) and the achieved quality of sleep are helping in reducing the tinnitus, and therefore with healing. I wanted to forward this video as it helped me as well:

I found some activities, which helped in calming me: video gaming on low volume level without headphones, painting, writing, cutting out pictures quite precisely with nail scissors (it was really cool to realize that I didn't hear it at all then). Also, I had the strong feeling sweets and chocolate are making it worse. Nattokinase, Opipramol (against anxiety and for sleep), Magnesium, B Vitamins and Zinc also help I think. You may also check your iron levels — this can also cause tinnitus.

I can't be here too long on the forum, sorry! I always get stressed, so I mostly keep only to reading full recovery success stories here.

I wish you all the best! I think it will at least get much better for both of you. It may only take some few months. For me, the volume dropped already very much, and I could not have imagined this just a month ago…

So, sleep well, eat good and hang in there!
Hello Sam and all posters. Thank you for your comments! I am still wondering about and in great need of any local support groups (LA or OC) that anyone could recommend. I have not found any.

For me, the part thats killing me is the squeals that elevate with noise. The underlying other 2 sounds: a ring (it fluctuates with noise too) and the stable water sound are not what's driving me to want to die. The ring nearly ceases in quiet and the stable tone can be masked.

But the high pitch, almost shooting metal sounds (the hyperacusis) is the fear and dread of every waking moment, I have heard/read that sound sensitivity can be treated. So thats hopeful if thats what it is...

Trying to find a reason to make it to my doctor, appt. in August.

I've been going through constant stress and adding to it is I'm still pleading with my ex to come and live with me while I try to destress, get sleep and start recovery. Without him coming to keep me company I have no idea how to keep going alone with this.

So far recovery is shit as I've gotten worse due to social isolation and leaving my job due to this.

Very sad. Still here though.
Hello Sam and all posters. Thank you for your comments! I am still wondering about and in great need of any local support groups (LA or OC) that anyone could recommend. I have not found any.

For me, the part thats killing me is the squeals that elevate with noise. The underlying other 2 sounds: a ring (it fluctuates with noise too) and the stable water sound are not what's driving me to want to die. The ring nearly ceases in quiet and the stable tone can be masked.

But the high pitch, almost shooting metal sounds (the hyperacusis) is the fear and dread of every waking moment, I have heard/read that sound sensitivity can be treated. So thats hopeful if thats what it is...

Trying to find a reason to make it to my doctor, appt. in August.

I've been going through constant stress and adding to it is I'm still pleading with my ex to come and live with me while I try to destress, get sleep and start recovery. Without him coming to keep me company I have no idea how to keep going alone with this.

So far recovery is shit as I've gotten worse due to social isolation and leaving my job due to this.

Very sad. Still here though.
Hey Max

Thanks for the update - glad to hear from you.

Hopefully someone will see your post and know of support groups.

All of my tones and noises are manageable except one. It's the loudest and highest pitch that constantly goes in and out of focus like Morse code. I hate it. If it was gone I'd be so much better, so I understand. I also have heard the sensitivity usually goes away - so that's something to look forward to.

Maybe friends or family that you could reach out to. Even if you're not close or don't think they'd care - you never know. I've even reached out to the distress line and did some free counselling just to vent to someone.

There's some free CBT online. I'm going to sign up. Maybe you could Google some in the United States as the one I'm looking into is in Canada called Bounce Back. Something else I wanted to tell you about that I read on here called Back to Silence. It's a method some people have tried/had success with. It's all about rewriting the brain's thinking with tinnitus. I started today, it's pretty simple. Not sure it'll work, but worth a shot!
Hey Max

Thanks for the update - glad to hear from you.

Hopefully someone will see your post and know of support groups.

All of my tones and noises are manageable except one. It's the loudest and highest pitch that constantly goes in and out of focus like Morse code. I hate it. If it was gone I'd be so much better, so I understand. I also have heard the sensitivity usually goes away - so that's something to look forward to.

Maybe friends or family that you could reach out to. Even if you're not close or don't think they'd care - you never know. I've even reached out to the distress line and did some free counselling just to vent to someone.

There's some free CBT online. I'm going to sign up. Maybe you could Google some in the United States as the one I'm looking into is in Canada called Bounce Back. Something else I wanted to tell you about that I read on here called Back to Silence. It's a method some people have tried/had success with. It's all about rewriting the brain's thinking with tinnitus. I started today, it's pretty simple. Not sure it'll work, but worth a shot!
A small dose of sodium channel blockers did wonders for me and this kind of shit tinnitus. Not the tone stuff but the random Morse beeps or hoops or thuds. 2 days at half dosing.
Hello Sam and all posters. Thank you for your comments! I am still wondering about and in great need of any local support groups (LA or OC) that anyone could recommend. I have not found any.

For me, the part thats killing me is the squeals that elevate with noise. The underlying other 2 sounds: a ring (it fluctuates with noise too) and the stable water sound are not what's driving me to want to die. The ring nearly ceases in quiet and the stable tone can be masked.

But the high pitch, almost shooting metal sounds (the hyperacusis) is the fear and dread of every waking moment, I have heard/read that sound sensitivity can be treated. So thats hopeful if thats what it is...

Trying to find a reason to make it to my doctor, appt. in August.

I've been going through constant stress and adding to it is I'm still pleading with my ex to come and live with me while I try to destress, get sleep and start recovery. Without him coming to keep me company I have no idea how to keep going alone with this.

So far recovery is shit as I've gotten worse due to social isolation and leaving my job due to this.

Very sad. Still here though.
Believe me, sometimes it's a blessing to be alone, without kids or your spouse inviting family and friends over etc. The first 1-3 months they might be understanding and supporting in your isolation due to your sound sensitivity, but that topic becomes more and more of a fight once people in your household clang their cutlery, drop their glasses, slam the doors, want to go out and socialize, restaurants, fly planes for holidays etc etc. This puts immense stress on a relationship I can tell you.

The 'good' thing if this is stress related that I'd you need to lower your stress it can lower your tinnitus too. Stress can pressure the auditory system - that is well documented - but also pressure on the jaw etc can attribute to tinnitus. Acoustic trauma from noise is a different ballgame. We know that once your hearing is damaged that is permanent. With stress induced tinnitus it is important to lower your stress as much as you can.

Did you try to take warm baths? It doesn't help just to relax, warm water opens blood vessels and creates better flow of blood etc to the ears.

It will get better over time, the screeching high pitch went away at 3 months in for me. I was extremely depressed first on but slowly started getting better, lower tinnitus around months 4-5 until I had some major accidents (dental work) and recently my third worsening (being exposed to a drilling neighbor just as I walked by) showed me what bad tinnitus is all about again. Reactivity back at square one. I miss the days of early onset tinnitus (back then I thought I was severe... I was mild after all :))

Avoid loud incidents (occasional car horns, motorcycles etc can happen), take care of your teeth, avoid loud places for now. I consider everything over 70 dB to be 'loud'. Don't overprotect but definitely do not underprotect. If you are not taking any ADs, stick with Melatonin 2-3 mg for sleep. Relatively innocent on short time. If you mask, make sure you use a decent speaker and not some crappy phone/laptop speaker.

Don't use the *s* word, this is a phase. People have been dealing with tinnitus for eternity. No reason for you to not make it through. Stick around, things will get better again.
Hi Sam! You are so kind and thoughtful in all of your posts to everyone! You are a bright spot in this miserable condition!!

I, like you, can and was managing 2 tones (for about 2 weeks) when the 24/7 squeals that peak with noise took over my ears. This is what caused no sleep and forced me to leave work. I think in the 2 weeks prior to this on-set I was managing the others for sleep but I was NOT aware of what was going on... I didn't protect and drove a loud car with long work commutes M-F. I was in a work environment with a lot of loud noise very close to me. If I had known what was happening (ear damage/pretty sure hearing loss too) I would have protected my ears or left the job asap!

If the sound squeals would cease? I could live and be myself in my own head again. Fuck, when will it calm down or stop. I haven't read another posts describing quite what I have with the squeals but everyone has a tough time and any ringing, whistles, tones, in your head is life wrecking for some. Including me.

I have looked recently looked into brain retraining and I swear, if we can get a good facilitator to guide us in these times and show/tell what we need to do and how to go about making that a routine, I think a lot of us could be on the way to relief! Looking over news clips, research and posts and theories for hours online while our heads are ringing like nuts, isn't the best way to get into recovery.

Thank you for the note on Back to Silence. I will look into this too!

Ugh. Exhausted again... I had some hope for filter earplugs that arrived today - I was sparingly using foam ones when needed - but they spiked me! I don't know why. Maybe my ears are too sensitive for even that right now. Too bad, was hoping these could help get me out of the house and back to work a few days.

The quest for sleep, and support and a solution continues!

There are some of us (me) who at our age lost contacts and friends over the course of years. Again, it is grim but true I do not have anyone to support me in any way at all. I have been out of touch with family nearly all of my life. Thank you though for the encouragement and positive thoughts!

I'm glad you are sounding better and are active on this forum!
Hey Max, what things are you doing to help you try to get more sleep?
Hi Joe. As of the last 5 days or so, sleep has been okay. I'm not leaving the house, very depressed and finally have gotten to the point of having some sound on very, very low that lets me sleep. I take a Benadryl and drink holy basil tea as well. Still, at times, wake up in a panic with racing heart and sweats, but not all the time now. Sleep is not straight blocks but a few hours here and there and then I try for more.
Sorry to hear about the panic wakings. I did that a lot when my tinnitus first onset. I've since been taking anti-anxiety meds that have helped stabilize me. I also take a sedative to sleep like you do, but the doc prescribed me Trazodone. Works pretty well. I also sleep in blocks. Every now and then I sleep thru, but that's rare. And I never get enough sleep. I average somewhere between 5 1/2 to 6 hours.

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