I have had tinnitus off and on over the last few years, but it tends to go away. But about 4 months ago I started having an echoing effect with sound. I went to an ENT and the audiologist did a sound test and I appears my eustachian tube(s) are open.
Lately, loud sounds, such as metal hitting metal, or hard plastic hitting something hard is almost painful, makes me wince.
The last few days, I have been experiencing tinnitus that you all know can drive you batty. I have a follow-up appointment with ENT in January.
Just looking for suggestions, not sure what source is, have had earwax problems (used q-tips too much).
Plan on stop drinking caffeine, and cut back on sugar intake. I take lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide for high bp. I plan on stopping this also to see if it makes a difference.
Thanks for any advice.
I have had tinnitus off and on over the last few years, but it tends to go away. But about 4 months ago I started having an echoing effect with sound. I went to an ENT and the audiologist did a sound test and I appears my eustachian tube(s) are open.
Lately, loud sounds, such as metal hitting metal, or hard plastic hitting something hard is almost painful, makes me wince.
The last few days, I have been experiencing tinnitus that you all know can drive you batty. I have a follow-up appointment with ENT in January.
Just looking for suggestions, not sure what source is, have had earwax problems (used q-tips too much).
Plan on stop drinking caffeine, and cut back on sugar intake. I take lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide for high bp. I plan on stopping this also to see if it makes a difference.
Thanks for any advice.