Hey all. I'm really glad to have found this forum. I've been creeping around for a week and a lot of the info and stories have already been helpful. My story started a little over a week ago. I was sitting in bed, reading a book and my ears started ringing/hissing. It was really, really loud. To the point I could not concentrate so I put the book aside and tried to go to sleep. Throughout the night I got very nauseated and had some chill-like symptoms. I initially thought it was some stomach sickness but now I think it was likely a panic attack. Since then I've had a constant, fluctuating ringing/hissing in my ears. Luckily it is not anywhere as loud as initially but it is still pretty loud, intrusive and considering I work in a quiet office all day it is hard to not fixate on it and get panicky.
My issue is with the panic that the new tinnitus is inducing. I have panic disorder. I have had it for the majority of my life. However, about a decade ago I went and got some help and was able to get it under control and have been without a panic attack since then and only require a few benzos per year. This new tinnitus has made the panic FLARE back. I had forgotten how absolutely miserable panic attacks were and that lifeless feeling they made you have. I'm starting to implement all the old strategies I was taught to overcome this flare but geez it's just exhausting.
I'm hopeful my tinnitus may go away. I've had another episode similar to this that was MUCH less severe that resolved over a week or two but this time seems different. Regardless, like everyone else I'm doing it one day at a time right now. Strangely, it seems to be very mild or sometimes gone in the mornings and starts up mid-morning and then fluctuates throughout the day. I have had one day where it was very mild all day only to come back strong the next day. If my tinnitus doesn't go away I WILL learn to live a full, low-anxiety life with it. I have no doubt that's gonna be hella hard and take some sweet time but really, whats the alternative?
I'm actually a physician (a kidney pathologist) and diagnose peoples kidney diseases all day. Although the very quiet nature of my work is a bit of a burden with the tinnitus it does offer me tons of perspective. I just finished diagnosing one patient with a disease that will kill her kidneys in a few months and reveals she has an underlying, uncurable cancer. While pain is pain, that sure does make me feel a little less sorry for myself.
My issue is with the panic that the new tinnitus is inducing. I have panic disorder. I have had it for the majority of my life. However, about a decade ago I went and got some help and was able to get it under control and have been without a panic attack since then and only require a few benzos per year. This new tinnitus has made the panic FLARE back. I had forgotten how absolutely miserable panic attacks were and that lifeless feeling they made you have. I'm starting to implement all the old strategies I was taught to overcome this flare but geez it's just exhausting.
I'm hopeful my tinnitus may go away. I've had another episode similar to this that was MUCH less severe that resolved over a week or two but this time seems different. Regardless, like everyone else I'm doing it one day at a time right now. Strangely, it seems to be very mild or sometimes gone in the mornings and starts up mid-morning and then fluctuates throughout the day. I have had one day where it was very mild all day only to come back strong the next day. If my tinnitus doesn't go away I WILL learn to live a full, low-anxiety life with it. I have no doubt that's gonna be hella hard and take some sweet time but really, whats the alternative?
I'm actually a physician (a kidney pathologist) and diagnose peoples kidney diseases all day. Although the very quiet nature of my work is a bit of a burden with the tinnitus it does offer me tons of perspective. I just finished diagnosing one patient with a disease that will kill her kidneys in a few months and reveals she has an underlying, uncurable cancer. While pain is pain, that sure does make me feel a little less sorry for myself.