I don't know what to do. I cry every day. I avoid social interaction and people. I am thinking of dropping out of graduate school and withdrawing from everything I do. I think about dying every day. I want to be dead. I would rather be dead than have this.
I had a hissing sound in my left ear I had mostly habituated to. And then, it suddenly changed to a sort of high pitched whistle-y noise that constantly fluctuates, like, eeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEeeeee, every few seconds. It's there, 100% of the time. Always. I can't mask it. Nothing masks it because I can FEEL it in my head, no matter how high frequency I try to mask it with.
Is this able to be overcome? How do you habituate to a sound you can't even mask? What is the point of being alive? I can't concentrate on anything. I can't do anything. I don't want to be here. There's no point in being alive. And no one cares, no one believes me. They just say well it's fine get on with your life. I can't. I can't do anything. I look at a chair and I cry, thinking, at a time two years ago I used to sit in that chair and read and feel safe and comfortable. Now I drink every night, try to be unconscious as much as possible. No point being here like this.
Is this eeeEEEEeeeeeeEEEEeeee almost like a teapot, is that pulsatile tinnitus? It's not a whooshing, and it's not in rhythm with my PULSE, but it's a pattern and it goes up. and down. and up. and down. and it wakes me up at night. It PHYSICALLY hurts my head. It gives me stress response because it's like someone electrocuting my ear every 3 seconds. What is wrong with me? I hope a brain tumor or an aneurism. I hope it kills me. I don't want this. I want to die.
I had a hissing sound in my left ear I had mostly habituated to. And then, it suddenly changed to a sort of high pitched whistle-y noise that constantly fluctuates, like, eeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEeeeee, every few seconds. It's there, 100% of the time. Always. I can't mask it. Nothing masks it because I can FEEL it in my head, no matter how high frequency I try to mask it with.
Is this able to be overcome? How do you habituate to a sound you can't even mask? What is the point of being alive? I can't concentrate on anything. I can't do anything. I don't want to be here. There's no point in being alive. And no one cares, no one believes me. They just say well it's fine get on with your life. I can't. I can't do anything. I look at a chair and I cry, thinking, at a time two years ago I used to sit in that chair and read and feel safe and comfortable. Now I drink every night, try to be unconscious as much as possible. No point being here like this.
Is this eeeEEEEeeeeeeEEEEeeee almost like a teapot, is that pulsatile tinnitus? It's not a whooshing, and it's not in rhythm with my PULSE, but it's a pattern and it goes up. and down. and up. and down. and it wakes me up at night. It PHYSICALLY hurts my head. It gives me stress response because it's like someone electrocuting my ear every 3 seconds. What is wrong with me? I hope a brain tumor or an aneurism. I hope it kills me. I don't want this. I want to die.