My tinnitus is very high pitched and resistant to masking. It's been 7 months now. I admit I haven't done any lifestyle changes like changing my sugary diet or exercise, but what's the point? I've seen no evidence it makes a difference. I just want to be dead. For some reason I can't bring myself to the edge yet. I seem to be too lazy to learn how to tie a noose so as soon as I get benzos it's lights out.
Getting this damn condition was bad enough but I just had to get bathe worst kind: depression inducing, insomnia imducing, and suicide inducing. Farewell cruel world. Sad that if all the atoms and nucleotides that could have formed me, tinnitus had to be apart of it.
Getting this damn condition was bad enough but I just had to get bathe worst kind: depression inducing, insomnia imducing, and suicide inducing. Farewell cruel world. Sad that if all the atoms and nucleotides that could have formed me, tinnitus had to be apart of it.