Thanks guys for all your support. I think I'm cycling through the infamous Stages of Grief but instead of going all the way through it I get to the same spot and start back up all over again. I may have a good day if I take whats left of my xanax but then next day is just worse. The only time I can kind of ignore my T is at work where I have no choice, being a cashier and all. I just really do want my life back but nothing I have tried seems to work for me. Vitamins don't work. Masking only kind of works. Ignoring it only works for so long and then the moment I notice it again I spiral back down again. And the episodes of fleeing T that happen 50 times a day don't help either. I'm so scared that one day I'll just wake up with it louder for no reason.
To top it all off I'm going back to college soon and I'm expected to complete a full EP recording project by the end of winter quarter this year and I'm STILL to afraid to listen to or play music. I can't be a music major if I'm afraid of music. But I can't afford to quit because I'm in my fourth year and I've put so much time and money into all of this since high school. I feel like it's all a waste now. I know that other musicians have T and they've dealt with it but I don't know if I'm as strong as them. I've been strong through all my other trials I've had to go through since birth and I think all of that used up all my strength before T came around.
I'm sitting here in the middle of Starbucks trying not to cry right now because every day I wake up and the first thing I do is cry. And it isn't like I'm not trying, I really really am trying to be positive but it is impossible for me! I can't beat the anxiety and I can't ignore/accept the T. And I absolutely hate the healthcare system in the US; there's so much red tape and it is near impossible to get to see a therapist. And the thought of going to a therapist makes me anxious too because either they can help me or they can't. And I feel like there's a 80 percent chance they can't.
And it's too loud everywhere I go! When I drive in the car, it's too loud. When I walk around at work, it's too loud. When I sit in this coffee shop, it's too loud so I have to wear my plugs. When I sit at home, it's too loud. I feel like every single sound is just making my T worse and worse. Literally everything makes it worse. Eating (healthy eating too), sleeping, relaxing (as if), talking, singing, literally everything makes my T spike. One minute it makes me sad and anxious and then next I get angry. And if I try to talk about it to anyone I just end up crying.
I know you guys mean well (and those of you who have given me support before are probably tired of seeing me post and complain here all the time) and I appreciate all of your kind words I really do. I'm just at my wits end. For a while I thought I could get better but it turns out I can't. My relationships with people I love are ruined. My career choice is ruined, my financial future is ruined and I've been told by my doctor that with all my health problems, there's a 90% chance that I will be hard of hearing with loud tinnitus and completely blind (I'm already blind in one eye and I have glaucoma) by the time I reach age 50. If that happens, I definitely would not want to live anymore. I don't even want to live right now but I don't have a choice because there are too many expectations I have to somehow live up to. I just want some kind of help to get everything under control but I keep getting told that the only one who can help me is myself. But I've tried that already and it doesn't work. I don't have any mental or physical strength to help myself anymore, not after all these things I've been put through.
If I ever do pray anymore, it's that my curse of a life somehow ends or gets better by some miracle.