Hi guys haven't posted here in a while so wanted to give another update.
My tinnitus is extremely odd and I'm almost certain it's my terrible anxiety that is the issue rather than the tinnitus itself.
If you don't know my story it's basically in my left ear and it's very low almost non existent. It's a tone that appears a little high pitched at first but actually dies down and becomes barely noticeable even in silence...although my anxiety makes me search and search to which I then focus in on it which sometimes makes it sound a little louder but again if I stick to a position when I'm sleeping it sort of fades away after seconds/minutes. If I keep moving around it seems I hear it more.
Also what I find extremely strange is that it vanishes almost completely if I am wearing ear plugs or cover my ears making me think it might actually be an external sound that my left ear for some reason picks up as a different tone to my right. If it's coming from my head/ears wouldn't it be magnified if I closed my ears? Rather then just stop completely?
My girlfriend hears the same things I do but it's never an issue for her. She says her tone that she hears in complete silence is in both ears but she's had it most if not all her life so I'm guessing she's habituated. She's asked me all the time when I can't sleep "why are you focusing in on it" but with anxiety it's magnifies issues. She calls it the "atmosphere sound" bless her.
Another strange thing is that I can actually go days or even weeks without hearing anything from my left ear even in dead silence. It oddly comes after a night of drinking and going to a social environment where music is being played which is just so so odd.
Oddly I started hearing this tone in June (I think...to be honest maybe I always had it but never focused in?) After some pain I had after a flight due to the air pressure and then 2 days later I woke up from clubbing with this slight tone. Panicked about this tone for around 2 weeks...read loads...thought I had H as well because everything sounded like this tone. After doing some tests with my girlfriend in different quiet rooms where she could hear the same thing I literally couldn't hear it again for 2 months...it just went (both the H and any T sound). Can it just go like that or was it that my brain didn't care about it anymore?
Anyway I only started thinking about it again now because around 2 months ago I had actual ringing tinnitus in both ears due to really loud music which thankfully went away the next day but it made me focus in on my ears again(specifically my left ear).
So in conclusion, My supposed T can sometimes be heard when its completely quiet and I am dead still (left ear only it seems) but I can stop it by plugging my effected ear or both ears. If I've gone out and drank alcohol I seem to not be able to hear a damn thing that lasts days maybe weeks. The sound when I do hear it is initially a relatively high pitch tone (very quiet) but it sort of changes after seconds/minutes and turns into what can best be described as my left ear sounding like it's switched on...so maybe no proper sound as such...just that it's on if that makes sense. If I stay still it sort of fades away if I move around it seems like it stays.
I am obviously blessed my case is very mild all things considered but the only annoying issue I have is sleeping and also continuously going into quiet rooms to check if I can hear something. The sleep is an anxiety issue as the sound of T itself is not bothersome at all.
My tinnitus is extremely odd and I'm almost certain it's my terrible anxiety that is the issue rather than the tinnitus itself.
If you don't know my story it's basically in my left ear and it's very low almost non existent. It's a tone that appears a little high pitched at first but actually dies down and becomes barely noticeable even in silence...although my anxiety makes me search and search to which I then focus in on it which sometimes makes it sound a little louder but again if I stick to a position when I'm sleeping it sort of fades away after seconds/minutes. If I keep moving around it seems I hear it more.
Also what I find extremely strange is that it vanishes almost completely if I am wearing ear plugs or cover my ears making me think it might actually be an external sound that my left ear for some reason picks up as a different tone to my right. If it's coming from my head/ears wouldn't it be magnified if I closed my ears? Rather then just stop completely?
My girlfriend hears the same things I do but it's never an issue for her. She says her tone that she hears in complete silence is in both ears but she's had it most if not all her life so I'm guessing she's habituated. She's asked me all the time when I can't sleep "why are you focusing in on it" but with anxiety it's magnifies issues. She calls it the "atmosphere sound" bless her.
Another strange thing is that I can actually go days or even weeks without hearing anything from my left ear even in dead silence. It oddly comes after a night of drinking and going to a social environment where music is being played which is just so so odd.
Oddly I started hearing this tone in June (I think...to be honest maybe I always had it but never focused in?) After some pain I had after a flight due to the air pressure and then 2 days later I woke up from clubbing with this slight tone. Panicked about this tone for around 2 weeks...read loads...thought I had H as well because everything sounded like this tone. After doing some tests with my girlfriend in different quiet rooms where she could hear the same thing I literally couldn't hear it again for 2 months...it just went (both the H and any T sound). Can it just go like that or was it that my brain didn't care about it anymore?
Anyway I only started thinking about it again now because around 2 months ago I had actual ringing tinnitus in both ears due to really loud music which thankfully went away the next day but it made me focus in on my ears again(specifically my left ear).
So in conclusion, My supposed T can sometimes be heard when its completely quiet and I am dead still (left ear only it seems) but I can stop it by plugging my effected ear or both ears. If I've gone out and drank alcohol I seem to not be able to hear a damn thing that lasts days maybe weeks. The sound when I do hear it is initially a relatively high pitch tone (very quiet) but it sort of changes after seconds/minutes and turns into what can best be described as my left ear sounding like it's switched on...so maybe no proper sound as such...just that it's on if that makes sense. If I stay still it sort of fades away if I move around it seems like it stays.
I am obviously blessed my case is very mild all things considered but the only annoying issue I have is sleeping and also continuously going into quiet rooms to check if I can hear something. The sleep is an anxiety issue as the sound of T itself is not bothersome at all.