I have to say I'm really happy I found this site, so I can talk about what's been going on within my head to people who truly can appreciate and understand what I try so hard to explain is happening to me. I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember, a soft ringing that was very manageable and could be ignored unless in complete silence and even then tolerated. However 6 months ago I started noticing the volume had gone up considerably more noticeable and started experiencing bouts of vertigo, then a month ago my world changed.
I woke up on a Sunday morning with some vertigo and I felt like my ear was plugged somewhat like wax buildup. Didn't really think much of it and flushed it as I have done in the past but with no results. Again I wasn't to concerned it was just annoying. The following morning I couldn't hear a thing out of that ear except a very loud high pitch sound I can only describe as high voltage power line screaming.
This continued into the night by then I started having panic attacks (which I've had under control for years) my husband took me to emerg, they ran CAT scan, MRI and other tests with no results and sent me home with "it must be inner ear" and some anti nausea meds.
That first week was indescribable, I truly thought I was losing my mind (and that feels like an understatement) I was angry, frustrated, scared but mostly feeling isolated and left abandoned to deal with this on my own. (Don't get me wrong my husband stayed home with me that first week for support
But he felt totally helpless) the only thing I got from my doctor was strong ant nausea pills, no support no suggestions to let me know everything is going to be okay Corrie just more pills for panic attacks and an appointment to see specialist in 2 weeks time (that was their "priority time for me" felt more like eternity)
I am so grateful that I meditate as that was the only true way I could calm myself, that and self talk. I have used this for many years for my panic attacks and pain and realized this was managing this new challenge. I stopped fighting the noise and accepted it as a new part of me, which then helped me to discover other little tricks to help ease the craziness within me. Like always having the radio on, background noise helps distract me. Being outside is calming, reading even watching TV helps. Night time is the worst as I sleep with my good ear on pillow so all I hear is silence with the loud high pitch tinnitus. Now this my sound silly to some but I started singing Kumbia ( why that song I have no idea) I sing it very slowly and it helps calm me which then allows me to fall asleep. I still have difficulty with a lot is people talking and loud noises seem much louder in my good ear which then adds static sound in deaf ear.
I feel like I've come a long way from that first week and really didn't think I'd ever be able to function as well as I am now.
I also have come to realize that no matter how I think be explained what I have endure 24-7 to people they simply don't understand. At first when I discovered an audio of the sound of tinnitus on you tube I was sooo excited that people would finally be able to hear what I hear every second of every day, but as soon as I played it they wanted me to turn it off because they couldn't stand the noise, but I could see and feel they truly didn't get it, I just wanted to scream at them I don't have an off switch!! So I just don't talk/share it anymore and that's okay. Hence the feeling of isolation.
On a positive note I am so grateful that I can hear in my other ear and I still feel a deep gratitude for all that I do have.
I'm going thru steroid injections in my eardrum and was also put on Prednisone for a week with hopes I'll get some hearing back, if not I will be fitted with a hearing aid but the tinnitus will stay regardless. I can live with that
Thank you so much for giving me an avenue to unload all that has been inside of me, just knowing I'm not alone with this and the knowledge that there are people who will truly know what I experiencing is comforting. (Sorry it was so long but I really feel good sharing)
I woke up on a Sunday morning with some vertigo and I felt like my ear was plugged somewhat like wax buildup. Didn't really think much of it and flushed it as I have done in the past but with no results. Again I wasn't to concerned it was just annoying. The following morning I couldn't hear a thing out of that ear except a very loud high pitch sound I can only describe as high voltage power line screaming.
This continued into the night by then I started having panic attacks (which I've had under control for years) my husband took me to emerg, they ran CAT scan, MRI and other tests with no results and sent me home with "it must be inner ear" and some anti nausea meds.
That first week was indescribable, I truly thought I was losing my mind (and that feels like an understatement) I was angry, frustrated, scared but mostly feeling isolated and left abandoned to deal with this on my own. (Don't get me wrong my husband stayed home with me that first week for support

I am so grateful that I meditate as that was the only true way I could calm myself, that and self talk. I have used this for many years for my panic attacks and pain and realized this was managing this new challenge. I stopped fighting the noise and accepted it as a new part of me, which then helped me to discover other little tricks to help ease the craziness within me. Like always having the radio on, background noise helps distract me. Being outside is calming, reading even watching TV helps. Night time is the worst as I sleep with my good ear on pillow so all I hear is silence with the loud high pitch tinnitus. Now this my sound silly to some but I started singing Kumbia ( why that song I have no idea) I sing it very slowly and it helps calm me which then allows me to fall asleep. I still have difficulty with a lot is people talking and loud noises seem much louder in my good ear which then adds static sound in deaf ear.
I feel like I've come a long way from that first week and really didn't think I'd ever be able to function as well as I am now.
I also have come to realize that no matter how I think be explained what I have endure 24-7 to people they simply don't understand. At first when I discovered an audio of the sound of tinnitus on you tube I was sooo excited that people would finally be able to hear what I hear every second of every day, but as soon as I played it they wanted me to turn it off because they couldn't stand the noise, but I could see and feel they truly didn't get it, I just wanted to scream at them I don't have an off switch!! So I just don't talk/share it anymore and that's okay. Hence the feeling of isolation.
On a positive note I am so grateful that I can hear in my other ear and I still feel a deep gratitude for all that I do have.
I'm going thru steroid injections in my eardrum and was also put on Prednisone for a week with hopes I'll get some hearing back, if not I will be fitted with a hearing aid but the tinnitus will stay regardless. I can live with that
Thank you so much for giving me an avenue to unload all that has been inside of me, just knowing I'm not alone with this and the knowledge that there are people who will truly know what I experiencing is comforting. (Sorry it was so long but I really feel good sharing)