Koss may be in a desperate shape these days compared to their heyday but I highly doubt they're ready to have pseudoscientific con artists shill for them on niche tinnitus forums.1. It doesn't really make sense for damage induced hearing loss and tinnitus, to me at least.
2. It is weird that he posts images of text messages and hand written letters from adults and children and like none of these people have accounts here themselves.
3. He also seems to have nothing to gain here.
4. He is giving away the sound file for free.
5. He seems very adamant.
6. The first MuteButton was sorta like this, right?
The only thing that I can think of that would make him a fraud with something to gain would be if he is from Koss and trying to sell headphones. Otherwise, there is no other rational explanation for his efforts, other than mental illness.
I'm still on the fence about this. Maybe these sounds just light up the auditory system in a way that induces regeneration?????????This is the most oddball thing on this website next to eating raw sea anemone but I'm not totally ready to dismiss it.
It's very likely mental illness, there are lots of very sick, schizophrenic/schizoid people out there that have these kinds of hero/god complexes. Look up Terry A Davis, that's a person that actually had schizophrenia and believed God was talking to him so he wrote an operating system from the ground up (which by the way is an incredible feat, far more than doctoring some testimonies) to the voice in his head's specifications. I'm convinced that our dear friend is likely an older man, a baby boomer, who is a little bit off his rocker from a couple too many government conspiracies and thinks he can cut off the government 5gHz tinnitus waves not with tinfoil hats but with his special concoction, an hour plus of randomized noise.
No known magical sound wave exists that "regenerates the auditory system". That's science fiction until R. David Case or any other snake oil peddler can put together a legitimate, peer reviewed, repeatable study with a massive sample size (several thousand people at minimum) that has verifiable data that proves otherwise. I will eagerly await the day that happens. Until then this man exists as laughing fodder, just yet another wonder of the world that the far reaching light of the Internet has uncovered from its once dark, dank hiding place.