I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

A number of people have reported negative changes but he ignores all bad results.
Tinnitus Mix does not work on reactive tinnitus, many people don't know what kind of tinnitus they have. In general ANY sound therapy can cause temporary spike if you have reactive tinnitus. I don't ignore anything, just trying to help as many as I can.

I believe that one day we may figure out how Tinnitus Mix can help reactive tinnitus such as playing it on bone conduction headphones.
Hi all,

I had promised a weekly update, but things ran fowl last two weeks. I should have bought 2 pairs of the Koss headphones as I must have hooked one of the headphones somewhere in my sleep and one side died. Heed my lack of preparedness and order two pairs at a time. These things caught on bed corners during sleep, caught somewhere, who knows where?

Anyway, I used the one side while awaiting my new shipment, and my tinnitus came back. I wore my iPhone headphones during the day but the high range I guess just isn't there. I got my shipment in yesterday and wore them for one short sleep, and tinnitus was gone for hours at a time. I even napped today in celebration hearing the sound of silence, slept nicely and my dreams were pleasant.

This truly is remarkable, and I had feared that perhaps I was subject to a placebo effect the first two weeks. I'm very happy right now having regained some control after 15 years of trying most everything with no results. With nary a placebo effect to anything.

The Koss headphones are a MUST as David has impressed upon us. And a bizarre thing happened to the wiring closest to the ear. I thought this almost impossible when I read David's piece about wiring becoming glassy. My pair was on its way to becoming glassy, they stiffened and I know this for a fact as I checked them when I read about the "glassy" effect, they were pliable. Plus I ordered from the same distributor and the new ones are pliable. This is strange. Very.

David, would you talk a little more on the science behind this weird phenomenon? Thank you!
Are you using headphones or a speaker, and what durations per day are you listening?
I use headphones at night. I had used them during the day, but switched to another masker during day when tinnitus returns with iPhone as I found putting the Koss headphones at risk during the day not worth it. I have a history of destroying headphones, perhaps hold a world record.
Hi all,

I had promised a weekly update, but things ran fowl last two weeks. I should have bought 2 pairs of the Koss headphones as I must have hooked one of the headphones somewhere in my sleep and one side died. Heed my lack of preparedness and order two pairs at a time. These things caught on bed corners during sleep, caught somewhere, who knows where?

Anyway, I used the one side while awaiting my new shipment, and my tinnitus came back. I wore my iPhone headphones during the day but the high range I guess just isn't there. I got my shipment in yesterday and wore them for one short sleep, and tinnitus was gone for hours at a time. I even napped today in celebration hearing the sound of silence, slept nicely and my dreams were pleasant.

This truly is remarkable, and I had feared that perhaps I was subject to a placebo effect the first two weeks. I'm very happy right now having regained some control after 15 years of trying most everything with no results. With nary a placebo effect to anything.

The Koss headphones are a MUST as David has impressed upon us. And a bizarre thing happened to the wiring closest to the ear. I thought this almost impossible when I read David's piece about wiring becoming glassy. My pair was on its way to becoming glassy, they stiffened and I know this for a fact as I checked them when I read about the "glassy" effect, they were pliable. Plus I ordered from the same distributor and the new ones are pliable. This is strange. Very.

David, would you talk a little more on the science behind this weird phenomenon? Thank you!
Yes, Tinnitus Mix has many wave forms that are forming buttercake or constructive interference harmonics in the 2.8 MHz. This band of frequencies are known for healing the brain. It just so happens that the band of frequencies are messing with the rubber in the cords of the Koss headphones. Dr Dineshen got excited when I told him of the change in composition of the rubber cord.

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Tinnitus Mix does not work on reactive tinnitus, many people don't know what kind of tinnitus they have. In general ANY sound therapy can cause temporary spike if you have reactive tinnitus. I don't ignore anything, just trying to help as many as I can.

I believe that one day we may figure out how Tinnitus Mix can help reactive tinnitus such as playing it on bone conduction headphones.
About that, what do you mean by reactive tinnitus?

For example, mine is particularly reactive to some sounds such that they considerably lower it (residual inhibition).

So, in this case, can we consider my tinnitus as reactive and then your Tinnitus Mix would be ineffective?
About that, what do you mean by reactive tinnitus?

For example, mine is particularly reactive to some sounds such that they considerably lower it (residual inhibition).

So, in this case, can we consider my tinnitus as reactive and then your Tinnitus Mix would be ineffective?
Reactive tinnitus can be diagnosed by rating your tinnitus from 1 to 10 scale, then put fingers in ears and rate it again, if it lowers with fingers in ears you have reactive tinnitus.

And yes ANY sound therapy can spike reactive tinnitus.
Is it ok to use Tinnitus Mix also during the day?
Yes, you must play it all night every night for 3 weeks but you can ALSO play during the day. The more you play it, the faster you will see results. Some that can't sleep with headphones have used it only during the day for 6 hours and got results but it took longer.
Reactive tinnitus can be diagnosed by rating your tinnitus from 1 to 10 scale, then put fingers in ears and rate it again, if it lowers with fingers in ears you have reactive tinnitus.

And yes ANY sound therapy can spike reactive tinnitus.
I sing for a band and when I put in custom earplugs or the cans over my ears I hear tinnitus more. I assume that means I do not have reactive tinnitus.
Yes, you must play it all night every night for 3 weeks but you can ALSO play during the day. The more you play it, the faster you will see results. Some that can't sleep with headphones have used it only during the day for 6 hours and got results but it took longer.
Without using it at night, I should play it for 6 hours during the day?
Well, I will give this a try since the audiologist and ENT I went to were basically no help and had no advice other than to cut out salt, MSG, alcohol and chocolate. I ordered the mini SD, headphones, and an mp3 player. I'll find an old pillow to cut as I'm a side sleeper.

I'll report in here once I get started.
Hi David,

I have mild hyperacusis and what I think is TTTS on my right ear, along with feelings of fullness. I've been following this thread and decided to give it a go.

Shall I point both headphones (ordered the Koss KSC75) towards my affected ear (at a 2 inch distance) or shall I have them on both?

Hi all,

I had promised a weekly update, but things ran fowl last two weeks. I should have bought 2 pairs of the Koss headphones as I must have hooked one of the headphones somewhere in my sleep and one side died. Heed my lack of preparedness and order two pairs at a time. These things caught on bed corners during sleep, caught somewhere, who knows where?

Anyway, I used the one side while awaiting my new shipment, and my tinnitus came back. I wore my iPhone headphones during the day but the high range I guess just isn't there. I got my shipment in yesterday and wore them for one short sleep, and tinnitus was gone for hours at a time. I even napped today in celebration hearing the sound of silence, slept nicely and my dreams were pleasant.

This truly is remarkable, and I had feared that perhaps I was subject to a placebo effect the first two weeks. I'm very happy right now having regained some control after 15 years of trying most everything with no results. With nary a placebo effect to anything.

The Koss headphones are a MUST as David has impressed upon us. And a bizarre thing happened to the wiring closest to the ear. I thought this almost impossible when I read David's piece about wiring becoming glassy. My pair was on its way to becoming glassy, they stiffened and I know this for a fact as I checked them when I read about the "glassy" effect, they were pliable. Plus I ordered from the same distributor and the new ones are pliable. This is strange. Very.

David, would you talk a little more on the science behind this weird phenomenon? Thank you!
Here is the study on Tinnitus Mix done in the United Kingdom by a neurologist who works for the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience.


  • Generation of Ultrasound by R. David case sound.pdf
    613.9 KB · Views: 102
Hi David,

I have mild hyperacusis and what I think is TTTS on my right ear, along with feelings of fullness. I've been following this thread and decided to give it a go.

Shall I point both headphones (ordered the Koss KSC75) towards my affected ear (at a 2 inch distance) or shall I have them on both?

OK, play on low volume with headphones away from your ears for a few minutes first day, more next day etc, until you can play for many hours. Tinnitus Mix has helped many with TTTS and hyperacusis.

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I tried Tinnitus Mix awhile back but it didn't help me. In fact, none of the things that people say on here as helping them have done anything for me!
Here is the study on tinnitus mix done in the United Kingdom done by a neurologist who works in the British neurology cognitive association in attachments::
Thanks for providing that in-depth study, Dave. I've been interested in hearing more about the mechanics behind this particular sound therapy. And there it is.

I've been listening to your file for over 5 weeks now. I seemed to be steadily improving until, coincidentally, I had both Pfizer shots in that same time period. I have a feeling those shots set me back a little, tinnitus-wise. I don't think it was a big set-back though, as I now seem to be past the extra ringing I was hearing, and am now back on what seems to be a slow steady improving path.

I'm doing a lot of other things to help also, such as dietary, supplemental, exercise etc. But I think your Mix is a key component to my healing.

I've been curious about this 3 week period. Why 3 weeks? Do you suggest giving up if there's no improvement within 3 weeks? I've heard a doctor on this board state that listening to sound therapies for long periods of time is safe, as long as the volume is kept low enough. So personally, I don't see a set time limit on the whole thing. I think however long it takes is how long it takes. What do you think?
Thanks for providing that in-depth study, Dave. I've been interested in hearing more about the mechanics behind this particular sound therapy. And there it is.

I've been listening to your file for over 5 weeks now. I seemed to be steadily improving until, coincidentally, I had both Pfizer shots in that same time period. I have a feeling those shots set me back a little, tinnitus-wise. I don't think it was a big set-back though, as I now seem to be past the extra ringing I was hearing, and am now back on what seems to be a slow steady improving path.

I'm doing a lot of other things to help also, such as dietary, supplemental, exercise etc. But I think your Mix is a key component to my healing.

I've been curious about this 3 week period. Why 3 weeks? Do you suggest giving up if there's no improvement within 3 weeks? I've heard a doctor on this board state that listening to sound therapies for long periods of time is safe, as long as the volume is kept low enough. So personally, I don't see a set time limit on the whole thing. I think however long it takes is how long it takes. What do you think?
Three weeks is an average to get results from Tinnitus Mix. I have had some get results in 1-3 days and some I have stayed in contact with are still seeing improvements and have played it for 1 year. In general three weeks is an ideal protocol for most people. The pattern I have discovered is it relates to how long you have had tinnitus. If you just got tinnitus 1 month ago, Tinnitus Mix could work in days. If you have had tinnitus for 40 years, it could take 3-5 weeks. My hypothesis is the longer you have tinnitus, the more brain damage you have and the longer it takes longer for Tinnitus Mix to heal those sections of the brain (neuroplasticity).

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I tried Tinnitus Mix awhile back but it didn't help me. In fact, none of the things that people say on here as helping them have done anything for me!
Sorry you have to go through the torture of tinnitus. When I was tortured for 3 years I begged God for help, that's when I invented Tinnitus Mix. Tinnitus Mix works on about 50% of those that follow instructions. You must be in the other 50% that it does not help.

Don't give up, there is something out there that will help you. It's just finding it. I wish you good luck in your journey.
Sorry you have to go through the torture of tinnitus. When I was tortured for 3 years I begged God for help, that's when I invented Tinnitus Mix. Tinnitus Mix works on about 50% of those that follow instructions. You must be in the other 50% that it does not help.

Don't give up, there is something out there that will help you. It's just finding it. I wish you good luck in your journey.
David, this is not an assault on you or your product but I think the question is simply "why haven't we seen more success stories here?" You claim it helps 50% of people that use it. There are 25k+ members here on the forums (I believe). If even 1/100 try it, that would mean 125 people would have positive results. Why are they not posting here?

You claim your Tinnitus Mix has already cured 100s or 1000s but you have continued to post the same 10 reviews or letters over and over. Where are the others in this? I can tell you if your Tinnitus Mix cured me, not only would I be on here singing your praises, I would probably wire you a nice sum of money and get a tattoo of your name across my chest. I trust @Renfrey has been having some success but I don't know how much is because of natural healing especially due to his lifestyle and commitment to getting better. His is probably the only review I give any benefit of doubt to.

I haven't really seen any of the prominent members posting any success with your method. Don't get me wrong, I hope to God it works and I myself have invested into the headphones and a cheap WAV player, but I just don't have a huge level of confidence because all the success stories seem to come from you and not other members of this forum.

Also, just want to point out that if in fact this university research project is authentic, the writers have made some pretty intense claims:

"The ultrasound frequencies, as obtained in this research, can reverse the process of creating tinnitus and therefore it heals the human beings suffering from it. Based on the different interviews and feedbacks, it is clear that the sound wav and the headphone can be treated as a medical sound treatment or medical ultrasound treatment."

This is just one of a few claims in the document. I think it's very irresponsible for educated, bonafide researchers to make these kind of claims given such a small sample size and without understanding the underlying mechanics of why it's supposedly happening. I have my reservations about the authenticity of this paper or the credentials of the people who wrote it. Was this an undergrad project for a science course? I'm not being facetious, I truly am trying to understand the craziness that is R. David Case's Tinnitus Mix.
Sorry you have to go through the torture of tinnitus. When I was tortured for 3 years I begged God for help, that's when I invented Tinnitus Mix. Tinnitus Mix works on about 50% of those that follow instructions. You must be in the other 50% that it does not help.

Don't give up, there is something out there that will help you. It's just finding it. I wish you good luck in your journey.
I wonder if the 50% who weren't helped quit after 3 weeks of not seeing any change. Maybe they quit too soon. Maybe they were expecting dramatic improvement within 3 weeks, rather than a more slow, gradual improvement with a lengthier time frame.

After all, TRT is said to require at least a 12 month commitment.
I wonder if the 50% who weren't helped quit after 3 weeks of not seeing any change. Maybe they quit too soon. Maybe they were expecting dramatic improvement within 3 weeks, rather than a more slow, gradual improvement with a lengthier time frame.

After all, TRT is said to require at least a 12 month commitment.
It's possible. I don't disagree. But even at 3 weeks they must've noticed some improvement, enough to keep them on course.
It's possible. I don't disagree. But even at 3 weeks they must've noticed some improvement, enough to keep them on course.
Yeah, or maybe whatever improvement they might have noticed, wasn't quite enough to keep them interested.

Maybe from hearing the paraphrase, 'just give it 3 weeks and you'll know if it works or not', they were expecting too much too soon.
One of the worst things about tinnitus is all the snake oil treatments around it. Simply, there is nothing out there that will help to people that have actually hearing loss.

This thread is just a huge waste of time. Even if I don't understand the persistence of Mr. Dave, I see that his methods are based on just mystery. Ultrasound or very high frequency sounds have been tried before without success (look for for Ultraquiet Therapy).

Also, I don't understand why he recorded his magic track 20 or 30 years ago, and has not tried to improve it.Why the same track? It does not make any sense.

Finally, he has had this thread going on for a very long time without any real success to show.

Simply put, this is the same as all the other sound therapies: useless. We live in darkness, and there is no need to feed false prophets.
I wonder if the 50% who weren't helped quit after 3 weeks of not seeing any change. Maybe they quit too soon. Maybe they were expecting dramatic improvement within 3 weeks, rather than a more slow, gradual improvement with a lengthier time frame.

After all, TRT is said to require at least a 12 month commitment.
Yes that is possible, that's why Tinnitus Mix needs to be administered by qualified people to constantly monitor the user so they do it correctly. Some do take much longer than others so if they quit in 2-3 weeks they are losing out on possible results. I help many groups that would be called schizophrenic, but Tinnitus Mix helps heal the brain so I will keep on helping them as this lady would not give up and is still seeing improvements after one year with her conditions and now can hold down a job.

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One of the worst things about tinnitus is all the snake oil treatments around it. Simply, there is nothing out there that will help to people that have actually hearing loss.

This thread is just a huge waste of time. Even if I don't understand the persistence of Mr. Dave, I see that his methods are based on just mystery. Ultrasound or very high frequency sounds have been tried before without success (look for for Ultraquiet Therapy).

Also, I don't understand why he recorded his magic track 20 or 30 years ago, and has not tried to improve it.Why the same track? It does not make any sense.

Finally, he has had this thread going on for a very long time without any real success to show.

Simply put, this is the same as all the other sound therapies: useless. We live in darkness, and there is no need to feed false prophets.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I have improved Tinnitus Mix 17 times. I invented Tinnitus Mix in 2000 and tried to help many groups only to be called names like you have done, and they banned me from many groups just because they did not understand how my system works.

Tinnitus Mix has helped over 1000 people worldwide and is about to be published in a major scientific journal soon. I am glad we have this very long thread as evidence of the harassment and ridiculing me when all I am trying to do is help people for free. If you will take the time and actually READ this thread you will see many here on Tinnitus Talk got great results in stopping tinnitus using Tinnitus Mix.They are scared to post their results because of people like you that criticize because you don't believe it's possible.

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