While I respect your decision, I will be a bit honest, if you had ear plugs I think you should be ok, I don't think u should let tinnitus rule your life, the more you let it dictate what you should do or not do, the more importance it will have. Enjoy your life, take your ear plugs and wear them, that alone will cancel the vast majority of sound waves coming your way and protect your ears!!!
The thing is you have to live your life in order for your brain to realize that the beep in your ears is irrelevant and then your brain will overcome it, if you start escaping situations because of your tinnitus you're doing nothing but letting tinnitus take over and your brain freak out because of tinnitus!!!
I have had tinnitus for several years perhaps and I lived and never even thought of tinnitus despite hearing it, at night id think its how silence is supposed to sound, its only when I learned tinnitus has no cure and what I hear is tinnitus that I started to freak out, and get anxiety and panic attacks and suicidal.... it took me a while to understand how silly I am for feeling this way when in the past I wouldn't even notice it. I eventually went back to living my life, I wear ear plugs but I do anything everyone else does and I care about tinnitus less and less and the less I care the less I hear it!