Well ... I can vouch for T improving a lot with time. I had mine a couple of months now(since March). It was my birthday present, so i look at it like something special

I once had a couple of days going out with friends in really loud places just to drive out the depression. And then all hell broke out

Tinnitus in both ears with a couple of new sounds added. Loud hissing too. After a few months i got used to it. I could barely hear my old T anymore, because the new sounds were so intense. Then, a few weeks ago it started to come back louder and i realized that it was just the other noises that went quieter. You can't imagine my relief and when going to sleep, i was listening to my old buddy and smiling

It did not bother me at all.
Well ... that was then ... because a week ago i went again to some loud places(after months staying in quiet and avoiding social life at some degree). I met that girl which is a singer, so i made some stupid decisions. This time i brought ear plugs. Well ... it did not work. Now i am back at starting point, but i have great hope that things will go back to "normal" again. And will avoid such loud places even with earplugs.
I have to say, that i started noticing improvement after taking NAC and ALCAR. So it might have something to do with it.
But the point is - I am no longer concerned about that matter. Yes, it is quite annoying. And NO, it won't kill me. So that's fine. I can even read now without letting it distract me. If i can do it, everybody can. Because i have had some pretty bad experience with nerves, depression and so on ... I am even thankful to this condition, because i finely found a reason to reboot my life, and now i am doing much better than before i had T. Lost a lot of weight because i changed my food regime. Sport is still an issue because of other health issues(which i "earned" through sport), so if i somehow manage to add that ingredient and finally stop smoking, things could improve a lot more.
So don't give up! Just do your best and keep your spirits high! Best of luck to all!