Welcome to the forum. I have hearing loss in the high frequency but hearing aids didn't help my T either. Luckily they were on a trial basis so I returned them and got my credit. As for treatment or procedure, there are TRT, CBT, Mindfulness etc. that are being used to help reduce the T impact on the patients. They may not remove the T but they help us cope with it better. As for drugs, there are talks that Trobalt has helped some people. New drugs such as
AM-101, OTO-311, RL-81, SF0034 are all either being tested or researched. So the medical/pharmaceutical world is catching up on tinnitus with these new drugs on the horizon. Check out the Treatment section on TT for more detail.
There following may or may not help (and you may have tried them already), but they are often recommended as ways to try to help reduce T. Take good care. God bless.
Helping the ears and hearing with supplements:
Members here often recommend some good supplements, such as NAC, Magnesium, Zinc, B12, D3, etc.
Diet or life style change:
Members often advice reducing intake of salt, sugar, MSG, caffeine, alcohol etc. and/or to switch to more healthy diet. Often doing relaxing exercises or hobbies can ease the stress and anxiety from T which can help reduce T. If you can go enjoy the outdoor, by all means. Mindfulness meditation, yoga, tai chi etc. can all help.
Helping sleep and calming the nerves:
Sleep deprivation is one sure way to fire up T. Get some bed time masking such as a sound machine or a sound pillow to help fall asleep better. Also, instead of sleep or anti-anxiety meds from the doctor, you can try natural alternatives such as Lemon Balm, Valerian, Hops, Catnips, Passion Flower, Chamomile, Lavender, Kava, Melatonin etc. You can google search or check Amazon.com for each of them to know how people review these products, and see if you can take them as a supplement. Check out this site on using natural herbs for helping to sleep or to calm the nerves.