I Think I'm Developing Hyperacusis...


Apr 21, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud movie (plus years of in-ear headphone use)

I've had tinnitus for almost a month now (although beforehand, I'd had a quiet ringing for ages). The ringing is mostly in my left ear.

These past few days, I've found that everyone's been talking way too loud. I almost asked my roommate to keep it down before realizing that the problem may be with me.

My left ear (the one with the worse tinnitus) has become sensitive to louder noises. I don't feel the pain that everyone describes. It's more like a pressure. Like, as soon as a loud sound ends, I hear a single thump in my ear, as if something physical is happening. It's more of a nuisance than anything, but I imagine this can get quite worse. I'll try and see a doctor today.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Did it ever go away?

P.S. I'm in the middle of exam season, so maybe the stress is having an impact?
Hmm. While reading up on TTTS, I came across this: "It's like a gust of wind, blowing in your ear whenever somebody speaks... but only for certain syllables", which is definitely what's happening to me.

Thanks lapidus!
Hello @ZentronFrye,
I think I have a similar symptom apart from T. But mine doesn't seem to be triggered always by sounds. Sometimes it gets random when I try to sleep. It's like a loud and sudden VVVVVVVV noise that fulls my ears for a second. It's scary! During the day also I feel a physical activity in my ears like the one you describe. I was thinking of TTTS. @lapidus can you direct me to more information? I also had a tymponometry test. My ENT didn't mention any findings... I should ask.

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