It's been over a month and I can happily say I was right. The 'flare ups' that were occuring all too often and consistently were some form of inflammation right behind my left ear drum. I still haven't gone to the ENT but the intensity and period of the 'flare Ups' has gone down drastically.
As of today, it's been almost 2 weeks since I've had a flare up. I'm now taking only one, sometimes two, Ibuprofen 200mg a day (max recommended dose of 6 a day). I wake up now with barely noticeable tinnitus due to the issue behind my eardrum and it goes away within minutes of getting up and active. The only days I take two pills are when I am working on loud machines for long times or have heavy stress days at work.
It has been nearly 6 months of constant flare-ups caused by the first COVID-19 shot, but I'm close to where I was last year with tinnitus. Hyperacusis is still an issue. Since i have been using earplugs and headphones to block out loud noises, my hyperacusis has gotten strong, but that's far better than a strong tinnitus.
I hope my experience can help others who have similar issues. Good luck and God Bless.