I had it!I got it after my club incident back in 2012 and it's very distressing at times believe me it is.I remember the very second it started too,I was going to collect my friend when all I could hear in the car was(try not to laugh)Gangnam Style lol.
I looked at the radio but it was off and then I looked at my phone and still nothing,all I could hear was this song playing away and I had no idea where it was coming from!I stopped my car and jumped out to see if I could find out what the heck was going on!To my displeasure after exiting my car I could still hear it,almost like there was a radio on your shoulder playing music.I blocked my ears and that's when I realised where it was coming from,my head!Needless to say the next few weeks were rough,I had loud tone T and now this constant music playing in my head day in and day out.What made it worse was the song was always changing,sometimes all by itself and other times it would take a trigger like hearing a song on the radio and it would change.This wasn't like an ear worm,it was like you were hearing the song coming from somewhere inside the room only it was actually inside your head!
Anyway this lasted a few months and then just stopped randomly one evening,what made it distressing was it made thinking extremely hard to do,Tinnitus is one thing but this song occupying your thoughts was a whole other monster!I haven't experienced it in over 3 years now but occasionally and very occasionally at that it creeps up again but only when I'm extremely stressed.If I had to choose it would be the T,I know a song playing sounds so much better but believe me it's not,it's like anything,nice in moderation but too much quickly becomes unbearable not to mention it makes you feel like your going crazy at times.
I never spoke about it before because nobody brought it up so yeah,that's my experience with MES for you.