Thank you for you support.
I'm very sorry for your experience. How do you handle life with this torture?
I don't know what to do at this point. It's been almost a month I don't have any progress, in fact since I'm off steroids fluttering sensation of pressure on my eardrum has come back. I feel it even complete silence. I don't know if it's ETD or TTTS. Or is just some kind of low pitched tinnitus? I don't know what to treat and I can't just sit around doing nothing.
I don't know what to do

People told me that the spike will probably go down. I don't know what to think at this point. What if I didn't insert my earplugs correctly? I rolled and squished them hard then pushed them inside my ear canal, but I felt like I had to do it with force, I couldn't just slide them in. Did I mess up? Could improperly inserted earplugs exacerbate the noise? But earmuffs were -18 db, so the noise must have been less than 85 db for 15 minutes... Or could it the vibration from the machine itself? Also I already had an MRI done before with zero protection and I had no issues at all.
But then again I heard horrible stories of people getting tinnitus and hyperacusis after acoustic reflex test that's only 80 db for 20 seconds... Also the story of
@dpdx comes to mind.
I'm very afraid, I don't know what to expect. Will my ears recover? Will this spike go away? I started HBOT within 8 weeks after the onset and 4 weeks after the spike. People say wait 6 months... I should have waited in the first place instead of poking around

My life is not livable like this. I die inside every millisecond. I barely endured these few last weeks until HBOT treatment and the results might show themselves in the following months. My baseline jumped from 3-4/10 to 7-8/10. Is there a chance it will return to the previous base line or fade away completely?
I get a new temporary tone at 450 hz every time I expose myself to a 60 db+ environment. Even a shower gives me a spike. Does it mean I damage my ears further?
How to live like like this? Always in earplugs and earmuffs listening away to this merciless shriek inside my hear?
Should I go overboard with hearing protection for a couple of months to give my ears a chance to heal? I've read posts from
@Michael Leigh and he says you shouldn't over do it.
I feel like my life is over even if my tinnitus fades away completely. I wanted to ditch my office job and pursue my dream being a wedding filmmaker. Now I had to quit my job. I stopped working since November 2 and I don't know how to return to work. I don't even know how to gather enough attention to do some work from inside my house.
I got so traumatized by tinnitus that at this point I will never EVER go to a loud place in my life again. I'm not even talking about events or concerts... I don't want to even go to a local coffee shop or McDonald's. I will religiously check every medication for ototoxicity. I might have gotten my tinnitus from antibiotics treatment in the first place and then only exacerbated it with noise exposure. I was completely fine before being treated in the hospital this August. And my allergies don't give me a rest, I might really have an ETD.
I don't know what to do I'm having multiple mental breakdowns every day and I'm crying hysterically trying to escape the noise.