At the first sorry for my lack english.
I'm 28 and two years ago i had take a trauma in my left ear, i was hit by a sudden hearing loss.
I have lost part of my left hear and i have contracted tinnitus .
I have create an account here to find a solution for my problem, because in italy aren't any solutions.
I like the novartis research, can you help me to know more about this and others tests and researches?
Thank you very much.
At the first sorry for my lack english.
I'm 28 and two years ago i had take a trauma in my left ear, i was hit by a sudden hearing loss.
I have lost part of my left hear and i have contracted tinnitus .
I have create an account here to find a solution for my problem, because in italy aren't any solutions.
I like the novartis research, can you help me to know more about this and others tests and researches?
Thank you very much.