I really wish I could explain it, medically, what is going on. Weeks ago, I would say, yes, I think I get noise induced pain. But, I haven't had any pain happen after noise lately. I use my muffs but I don't protect on every noise. I don't use them as much as I would like because they are very tight from the suction. It causes discomfort for my ears. I don't know if I would have discomfort anyway and they exacerbate the discomfort or if they contribute to it, primarily.
I also have a fullness or something particularly with the left ear but both ears don't feel normal. I also have some discomfort after sleeping since I have been a side sleeper for a long time. The severe ear pain hasn't occurred in a while, fortunately, knock on wood.
The ears discomfort and loud, high pitched tinnitus makes me want to remain in my apartment even though I hate this. I know it's not good. But, pain and discomfort in the ears is not something you can put a bandage on.
I don't know what else to say. I find it hard to concentrate and hard to sleep. I don't think this is a life worth living. I just don't know how to end it. I don't think pills and therapy from students is going to help. I have a hard time leaving the apartment.
Oh, my area is noisy too but since I am a cripple, I have no money to go private (and move).